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  1. #1
    Crw is offline New Member
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    Test e/ tren e/ winnie/ clen cycle?

    Hey I'm trying to figure out a cycle to put on a lot of muscle and still trying to stay cut. I'm 27 5' 10" 185 let me know what you think I should cut or add...

    Week 1: 0.25 ml anastrozole eod, 500 mg test e twice a week
    week 2: 0.25 ml anastrozole eod, 500 mg test e twice a week
    Week 3: 0.25 ml anastrozole eod, 500 mg test e twice a week, 250 mg tren enathate three times a week
    week 4: 0.25 ml anastrozole eod, 500 mg test e twice a week, 250 mg tren enathate three times a week
    week 5: 0.25 ml anastrozole eod, 500 mg test e twice a week, 250 mg tren enathate three times a week
    week 6: 0.25 ml anastrozole eod, 500 mg test e twice a week, 75 mg tren acetate each day, 75 mg winstrol each day
    week 7: 0.25 ml anastrozole eod, 500 mg test e twice a week, 75 mg tren acetate each day, 75 mg winstrol each day, 40 mg clenbuterol each day
    week 8: 0.25 ml anastrozole eod, 500 mg test e twice a week, 75 mg tren acetate each day, 75 mg winstrol each day, 40 mg clenbuterol each day
    week 9: 0.25 ml anastrozole eod, 500 mg test e twice a week, 75 mg tren acetate each day, 75 mg winstrol each day,
    week 10: 0.25 ml anastrozole eod, 500 mg test e twice a week, 75 mg tren acetate each day, 75 mg winstrol each day,
    week 11: 25 mg nolvadex each day, 150 mg clomid each day, 40 mg clenbuterol each day
    week 12: 25 mg nolvadex each day, 150 mg clomid each day, 40 mg clenbuterol each day
    week 13: 25 mg nolvadex each day, 100 mg clomid each day
    week 14: 25 mg nolvadex each day, 100 mg clomid each day
    week 15: 25 mg nolvadex each day, 100 mg clomid each day

    any and all input would help...
    Last edited by Crw; 05-12-2016 at 02:24 AM.

  2. #2
    Livinlean's Avatar
    Livinlean is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    What is your cycle history?

    I see multiple things wrong with this cycle right off the bat.

  3. #3
    Crw is offline New Member
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    May 2016
    My last cycle was 6 months ago it was 12 week week 1-12 1000mg of test e per week. Weeks 6-12 tren 100 mg EOD. What would you recommend?

  4. #4
    Livinlean's Avatar
    Livinlean is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Well you already fixed the clen portion so thats good.

    Why are you switching from tren E to Tren A? The tren E won't even have fully kicked in before you drop it. Stick to one or the other.

  5. #5
    Crw is offline New Member
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    May 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by Livinlean View Post
    Well you already fixed the clen portion so thats good.

    Why are you switching from tren E to Tren A? The tren E won't even have fully kicked in before you drop it. Stick to one or the other.

    because the tren A is a mix of 50mg tren a and 50 mg Winnie per 1cc so I want to run the tren e at a higher dose with less injections before I start the Winnie. what are your thoughts?

  6. #6
    Livinlean's Avatar
    Livinlean is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Pick one or the other. 75mg of tren a ED puts you at 525mg a week. Not sure why you would want to take more than that?

    Your cycle will be roughly 1500mg of gear a week. Unless you have many, many cycles under your belt, that is going to be more than enough.

    Either run Tren E the whole way or the Tren A. Tren E for 3 weeks is just a waste you won't get any benefit out of it at all.

  7. #7
    Crw is offline New Member
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    May 2016
    OK I'm just gonna run the tren a and i'll use the tren e next cycle. thank you for the input!

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