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Thread: Is it Worth it? running cycle again after getting natural test back to normal?

  1. #1

    Is it Worth it? running cycle again after getting natural test back to normal?

    i wanna run a nice 8 week test prop 350-400mg a week nothing crazy and maybe some anavar for 6-8 weeks hcg 2 a week. then pct clomid/nolva for 6 weeks im thinking 40/30/20/20clomid and 20/20/20/10 nolva. i dont feel i need an AI ive never had a gyno issue in the past. im also going to be on the atking keto diet i hope this will help with my cravings my hunger is stupid while on test in the past ive ran this diet with very god results especially with cravings, yes i know its a carbless diet and carbs are essential when building muscle but i dont want muscle i want that aesthetics look **** ya dig i got enough muscle atm i weigh 220 ill say about 14-18% bf (im big boned caugh caugh) im 23 yea kind of young but guys im that stupid kid who did his first cycle at 17 years old... last cycle i did though i was 20 and i ran a decent pct afterwards had to get bloodwork done due to some pain i was having in my testicle and my free test was at 750 which is actually normal for a guy my age and unlike my previous cycles i felt/feel great like a 23 year old should FEEL!!! im horny every day and im motivated to do me b4 on my previous cycles i felt like a complete piece of shit and couldnt wait to get back on the juice now im fukn feeling great and i couldnt fuck my girl i was a lil bitch point is do u guys think im risking losing my natural test levels again and maybe not recovering like i did the last time? i feel i got lucky theirs alot of horror storys out their about the guys who roided when they were teenagers having problem with erictile dysfunction at 19....but im not gonna sit here and lie to u i know the risk already and im gonna run the cycle anyways just wanna hear ur opinion good or bad and plz i dont mind getting flamed lol

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2015
    Flaming first. What is it abouth the english natives growing up. Do they not learn how to break sentences in school anymore?
    You should def run an ai with that testdose and bf possible 16-17. I never had gyno but it doesnt mean your test will not convert. And even if you are a hardass and dont mind the motions that follows high e2, u stil need AI. Because the test would be much more effective then. Because it will remain test through it halflives. And not change to e2 when you need it at most.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by Silabolin View Post
    Flaming first. What is it abouth the english natives growing up. Do they not learn how to break sentences in school anymore?.
    Just for fun flame throwing back at ya. Maybe some folks just never been to school long enough to learn read and fathom well enough such long sentences?

    Life aint tough - people are weak

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    dont ask for a source thx
    Quote Originally Posted by ikumalot View Post
    i wanna run a nice 8 week test prop 350-400mg a week nothing crazy and maybe some anavar for 6-8 weeks hcg 2 a week. then pct clomid/nolva for 6 weeks im thinking 40/30/20/20clomid and 20/20/20/10 nolva. i dont feel i need an AI ive never had a gyno issue in the past. im also going to be on the atking keto diet i hope this will help with my cravings my hunger is stupid while on test in the past ive ran this diet with very god results especially with cravings, yes i know its a carbless diet and carbs are essential when building muscle but i dont want muscle i want that aesthetics look **** ya dig i got enough muscle atm i weigh 220 ill say about 14-18% bf (im big boned caugh caugh) im 23 yea kind of young but guys im that stupid kid who did his first cycle at 17 years old... last cycle i did though i was 20 and i ran a decent pct afterwards had to get bloodwork done due to some pain i was having in my testicle and my free test was at 750 which is actually normal for a guy my age and unlike my previous cycles i felt/feel great like a 23 year old should FEEL!!! im horny every day and im motivated to do me b4 on my previous cycles i felt like a complete piece of shit and couldnt wait to get back on the juice now im fukn feeling great and i couldnt fuck my girl i was a lil bitch point is do u guys think im risking losing my natural test levels again and maybe not recovering like i did the last time? i feel i got lucky theirs alot of horror storys out their about the guys who roided when they were teenagers having problem with erictile dysfunction at 19....but im not gonna sit here and lie to u i know the risk already and im gonna run the cycle anyways just wanna hear ur opinion good or bad and plz i dont mind getting flamed lol
    I'm going to tell you strait up it isn't worth it...I long for the days of spontaneous erections and sex drive that wouldn't quit...sure, I'm in the best shape of my life but that's because I live the lifestyle and have for years...but I am for one glad I waited till I was 36 before I tried aas...after cycling and recovering for a few years each recovery became less and less till it was 44 now and on trt and although I love the lifestyle aas included a big part of me wishes I never touched the 2cents brother goodluck...

  5. #5
    Taking steroid young is playing with fire. Sometimes the fire is manageable and other times you get burned.

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