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Thread: Young but ready. REPOST DIFF THREAD

  1. #1
    Oney's Avatar
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    Young but ready. REPOST DIFF THREAD

    Hey Guys,
    I am 22 years old. 5"10, 154 lbs. Somewhat of a hard gainer (keep in mind I've been trying to stay lean, when I bulk I get up to about 175 lbs) been training for over 5 years now. I have all the guidance I need when it comes to training as my father has been bodybuilding for over 20 years. (100% natural) I want to cycle to gain some serious mass. (would like to see 20 lbs after first cycle) Kind of sick on just being lean, I can get up to 175 with serious dedication but I'm no longer lean, 0 abs 0 striations. I just look fat.

    As my only mentor is my father I have no one to talk to about Gear, that's why I'm here. I need help from experienced people who can offer there knowledge on steroids , I've done a lot of research over the past 8 or 9 months, I'm fairly certain I've found a source but would also like 2nd and 3rd and 4th opinions! I've read that for my first cycle I should only take Test, and was recommended Sustanon 250. Thoughts?

    On a side note I'm going to get a lot of guys coming at me about my age that's a given. But listen guys, I have 2 kids and one on the way I'm ok with not having anymore. As for the other "side effects" I know all about them and I'm okay with them as well. (thanks for your concern though)

    Looking for mentors!

  2. #2
    Obs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Oney View Post
    Hey Guys,
    I am 22 years old. 5"10, 154 lbs. Somewhat of a hard gainer (keep in mind I've been trying to stay lean, when I bulk I get up to about 175 lbs) been training for over 5 years now. I have all the guidance I need when it comes to training as my father has been bodybuilding for over 20 years. (100% natural) I want to cycle to gain some serious mass. (would like to see 20 lbs after first cycle) Kind of sick on just being lean, I can get up to 175 with serious dedication but I'm no longer lean, 0 abs 0 striations. I just look fat.

    As my only mentor is my father I have no one to talk to about Gear, that's why I'm here. I need help from experienced people who can offer there knowledge on steroids , I've done a lot of research over the past 8 or 9 months, I'm fairly certain I've found a source but would also like 2nd and 3rd and 4th opinions! I've read that for my first cycle I should only take Test, and was recommended Sustanon 250. Thoughts?

    On a side note I'm going to get a lot of guys coming at me about my age that's a given. But listen guys, I have 2 kids and one on the way I'm ok with not having anymore. As for the other "side effects" I know all about them and I'm okay with them as well. (thanks for your concern though)

    Looking for mentors!
    I cycled at 22. I really messed up. I did it totally wrong but got good results in terms of gains. Cycles ended abruptly and I wound up osing 50lbs in four months and wanted death. I sat in a motel every night alone and glad to be that way with a 7mm Ultra Mag and a fifth of vodka each night. When I thought too much about myself I would stick the rifle barrel in my mouth and consider things.

    You are too young, period. Its not like you think, that muscle wont stay. I went from being a guy every girl wanted to fuck at first sight to being a totally antisocial, shut off, suicidal, and crazy as hell.

    The benefit I got was muscle that faded quickly and I did a whole lot of shit in that post mental state that still tugs at my conscience as I start to fall asleep.

    However seriously you take lifting and diet take it twice as seriously by studying here for a couple more years.

    I swear to God look at my join date and do the math. Ten years ago I was being warned not to cycle but I thought, "A bunch of bitches that cant handle their own bodies are trying to keep me away from being a badass."

    Those bitches were right in my case.
    I look back and remember thinking that if I can just get to this spot... I can fucking die and I wont care, as long as I actually did this with my life...
    Well... I didn't die.
    I lived through it and I look at that period and see an angry boy that is lucky he isn't in prison. To be perfectly honest "that guy" is who I remember when I restrain myself, today. I don't wanna be that guy. That guy should be in prison because he was a menace.

    I had kids afterward, gear went byebye.

    I loved the cycling feeling enough that as soon as my wife left me for another guy, I fell into that same depressed feeling I had when I was 23. It brought it all back and I started cycling again and lifting as a means of "fuck you bitch, I am better, and I will never stop.

    Just before I totally broke mentally after my wife left, I bought a S&W m&p .45 acp which I intended to splatter my brains across my kitchen table with. I never fired that gun I sold it the next day.
    I was sitting at the table thinking back on her and the kids, (5) suddenly being gone and why it happened. I was listening to music cranked to the ceiling to drown out silence (i lived alone in a farmhouse 12 miles from a small town) and Rob Bailey "Beast" came on.

    Every ounce of life or feeling I had in me turned to hatred.
    I was not sad or depressed anymore. I was on fire for pain. I started lifting again and used that hatred to destroy my workouts.

    Anyway, I guess the shit I am on now is giving me serious mental issues or I wouldn't have revisited this story which I have told twenty times on here.

    To the people who do know me and my story, sorry...

    If you are like me, my story didn't make a dent and you will cycle anyway.

    Once you lose an erection during sex though you might remember this post. No girl understands. They will all do one of two things:

    They will blame themselves and be sad because of you.
    They will blame themselves and be mad because of you.

    You on the other hand will feel like a useless man at such a young age.

    Good luck. No offense, but I have been there and thought I was ready too. This is probably the longest post I have ever made.
    EDCG19, Sh0tsf1red and ghettoboyd like this.

  3. #3
    David LoPan's Avatar
    David LoPan is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    I hope you wil listen to what Obs posted. But 22 years young, 5"10, 154 lbs <---focus on your training and learning to eat. Your natural test levels are so high you do not need to mess up your body for a "quick fix" . Follow your father example and go natural.
    Last edited by David LoPan; 11-10-2017 at 09:09 PM.

  4. #4
    T-boner is offline Associate Member
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    Sus is no good to cycle. I found that out the hard way. One of the 4 esters it has takes forever to clear your system when you go off. PCT is ruff. I cycled with Sus Twice and both times after the cycle it took over 8 weeks before I wanted to get out of bed and do anything. Now I might start a cycle with Sus but within a couple weeks switch to Test E and I always end the last 2 weeks with prop so it all clears my system fast and I can start pct immediately. I feel the best on prop and I may do an entire cycle with it. I don't have any heart burn or acid reflux with prop. Sus makes me have terrible acid reflux. Don't do any Sus within 8 weeks of when you plan to start pct. I know the chart says 21 days for Sus but for me and many others I found out, it takes a lot longer.
    I did get good gains from Sus but no better that I do with test E. it's just the recovery time is so long with Sus.
    Oh, and you're too young to cycle.

  5. #5
    MBaraso's Avatar
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    I disagree with you cycling at 22 but you're probably not going to listen to us so if u do decide to I recommend not using Sus. Test E or C at 400-500 mgs per week would be more then enough. Nolva on hand and proper pct is a must.
    Do some research before you do anything though...
    Best of luck,

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Obspowerstroke View Post
    I cycled at 22. I really messed up. I did it totally wrong but got good results in terms of gains. Cycles ended abruptly and I wound up osing 50lbs in four months and wanted death. I sat in a motel every night alone and glad to be that way with a 7mm Ultra Mag and a fifth of vodka each night. When I thought too much about myself I would stick the rifle barrel in my mouth and consider things.

    You are too young, period. Its not like you think, that muscle wont stay. I went from being a guy every girl wanted to fuck at first sight to being a totally antisocial, shut off, suicidal, and crazy as hell.

    The benefit I got was muscle that faded quickly and I did a whole lot of shit in that post mental state that still tugs at my conscience as I start to fall asleep.

    However seriously you take lifting and diet take it twice as seriously by studying here for a couple more years.

    I swear to God look at my join date and do the math. Ten years ago I was being warned not to cycle but I thought, "A bunch of bitches that cant handle their own bodies are trying to keep me away from being a badass."

    Those bitches were right in my case.
    I look back and remember thinking that if I can just get to this spot... I can fucking die and I wont care, as long as I actually did this with my life...
    Well... I didn't die.
    I lived through it and I look at that period and see an angry boy that is lucky he isn't in prison. To be perfectly honest "that guy" is who I remember when I restrain myself, today. I don't wanna be that guy. That guy should be in prison because he was a menace.

    I had kids afterward, gear went byebye.

    I loved the cycling feeling enough that as soon as my wife left me for another guy, I fell into that same depressed feeling I had when I was 23. It brought it all back and I started cycling again and lifting as a means of "fuck you bitch, I am better, and I will never stop.

    Just before I totally broke mentally after my wife left, I bought a S&W m&p .45 acp which I intended to splatter my brains across my kitchen table with. I never fired that gun I sold it the next day.
    I was sitting at the table thinking back on her and the kids, (5) suddenly being gone and why it happened. I was listening to music cranked to the ceiling to drown out silence (i lived alone in a farmhouse 12 miles from a small town) and Rob Bailey "Beast" came on.

    Every ounce of life or feeling I had in me turned to hatred.
    I was not sad or depressed anymore. I was on fire for pain. I started lifting again and used that hatred to destroy my workouts.

    Anyway, I guess the shit I am on now is giving me serious mental issues or I wouldn't have revisited this story which I have told twenty times on here.

    To the people who do know me and my story, sorry...

    If you are like me, my story didn't make a dent and you will cycle anyway.

    Once you lose an erection during sex though you might remember this post. No girl understands. They will all do one of two things:

    They will blame themselves and be sad because of you.
    They will blame themselves and be mad because of you.

    You on the other hand will feel like a useless man at such a young age.

    Good luck. No offense, but I have been there and thought I was ready too. This is probably the longest post I have ever made.
    Probably the most honest post ive ever read on this board in the 16 yrs I've been here...thank you for sharing your story.
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  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by MBaraso View Post
    Probably the most honest post ive ever read on this board in the 16 yrs I've been here...thank you for sharing your story.
    How the hell have I never met you! Member since 2001!
    Stay !
    Post more frequntly!


  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by MBaraso View Post
    Probably the most honest post ive ever read on this board in the 16 yrs I've been here...thank you for sharing your story.

    Please visit this link to a thread I made for the older members and elites.
    I am trying to get guys just like you in there. You will officially be the oldest member in that thread!

    You were here from year one... Thats pretty damn cool.
    My respect.
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  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Obspowerstroke View Post
    How the hell have I never met you! Member since 2001!
    Stay !
    Post more frequntly!

    I haven't signed onto the board in yrs lol was thinking about making a comeback ...miss having traps like yours Obspowerstroke lol
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  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by MBaraso View Post
    I haven't signed onto the board in yrs lol was thinking about making a comeback ...miss having traps like yours Obspowerstroke lol
    Thanks! Any compliment from you is an honor.
    You gotta stick around. People are different for the most part but there are still old cats around that havent changed.

    This board used to have a lot more personality in the postwhore thread days.
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  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Obspowerstroke View Post
    Thanks! Any compliment from you is an honor.
    You gotta stick around. People are different for the most part but there are still old cats around that havent changed.

    This board used to have a lot more personality in the postwhore thread days.
    Society was different. And I don't think it changed for the better...
    Obs and Sh0tsf1red like this.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by MBaraso View Post
    Society was different. And I don't think it changed for the better...
    No it didn't.
    Its funny to me how the most hilarious and perverted things on the internet, I read here, yet everyone got along so great and no one was offended...

    Facebook cut the membership here into a fourth or less.

  13. #13
    GearHeaded is offline BANNED
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    OP, if your goal is to get big and stay big and body build and run gear for the next couple decades, then I say go ahead and start now. If your goal is to run a couple of cycles and then stop, thinking those couple cycles will make you big , then don't bother ,, just wait and get 5 more years of real training and nutrition under your belt . Don't expect a ton of weight gain though if you want to be lean , an average real natural body builder is 155 pounds on stage at 5'10" .. any naturals that are fairly big are usually the older guys (40+) that have been at it for 20+ years.

  14. #14
    thisAngelBites's Avatar
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    It was great of you to post this, Obs.

    I think lots of us want to keep young people from making mistakes like this. I read with interest that you said that you thought others were "...trying to keep [you] away from being a badass."

    That's not the first time I have read people thinking that sort of thing. And I can't help but wonder how it is that someone thinks that some guy on the other side of the world (or country) is somehow threatened by someone they don't even know getting really built. I think it's great that people spend their time trying to help others learn from their mistakes, even if people have crazy thoughts that strangers are somehow conspiring to keep them down.

    Every time I see a young guy say he's okay with the side effects cycling young might have on him, I know they;re in denial. I don't for a minute think that they consider the horrible depression and the sexual dysfunction and decide that they're making a rational trade (25 pounds of muscle for a lost marriage, for example). I think what they do is think that somehow, magically, none of it will really happen to them. None of us ever gets to totally control our biology, no matter how careful we are, as there is still so much about the endocrine system that we do not understand.

    So I just wanted to say thanks for writing your story. I know that while some will disregard what you say, there are many others who will wait longer and think harder due to your words.

    Quote Originally Posted by Obspowerstroke View Post
    I cycled at 22. I really messed up. I did it totally wrong but got good results in terms of gains. Cycles ended abruptly and I wound up osing 50lbs in four months and wanted death. I sat in a motel every night alone and glad to be that way with a 7mm Ultra Mag and a fifth of vodka each night. When I thought too much about myself I would stick the rifle barrel in my mouth and consider things.

    You are too young, period. Its not like you think, that muscle wont stay. I went from being a guy every girl wanted to fuck at first sight to being a totally antisocial, shut off, suicidal, and crazy as hell.

    The benefit I got was muscle that faded quickly and I did a whole lot of shit in that post mental state that still tugs at my conscience as I start to fall asleep.

    However seriously you take lifting and diet take it twice as seriously by studying here for a couple more years.

    I swear to God look at my join date and do the math. Ten years ago I was being warned not to cycle but I thought, "A bunch of bitches that cant handle their own bodies are trying to keep me away from being a badass."

    Those bitches were right in my case.
    I look back and remember thinking that if I can just get to this spot... I can fucking die and I wont care, as long as I actually did this with my life...
    Well... I didn't die.
    I lived through it and I look at that period and see an angry boy that is lucky he isn't in prison. To be perfectly honest "that guy" is who I remember when I restrain myself, today. I don't wanna be that guy. That guy should be in prison because he was a menace.

    I had kids afterward, gear went byebye.

    I loved the cycling feeling enough that as soon as my wife left me for another guy, I fell into that same depressed feeling I had when I was 23. It brought it all back and I started cycling again and lifting as a means of "fuck you bitch, I am better, and I will never stop.

    Just before I totally broke mentally after my wife left, I bought a S&W m&p .45 acp which I intended to splatter my brains across my kitchen table with. I never fired that gun I sold it the next day.
    I was sitting at the table thinking back on her and the kids, (5) suddenly being gone and why it happened. I was listening to music cranked to the ceiling to drown out silence (i lived alone in a farmhouse 12 miles from a small town) and Rob Bailey "Beast" came on.

    Every ounce of life or feeling I had in me turned to hatred.
    I was not sad or depressed anymore. I was on fire for pain. I started lifting again and used that hatred to destroy my workouts.

    Anyway, I guess the shit I am on now is giving me serious mental issues or I wouldn't have revisited this story which I have told twenty times on here.

    To the people who do know me and my story, sorry...

    If you are like me, my story didn't make a dent and you will cycle anyway.

    Once you lose an erection during sex though you might remember this post. No girl understands. They will all do one of two things:

    They will blame themselves and be sad because of you.
    They will blame themselves and be mad because of you.

    You on the other hand will feel like a useless man at such a young age.

    Good luck. No offense, but I have been there and thought I was ready too. This is probably the longest post I have ever made.
    ghettoboyd likes this.

  15. #15
    David LoPan's Avatar
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    22, 5"10, 154 lbs <- up do not know how to eat yet. You can put on 20lbs of muscle without AAS at your age with a strict workout and diet plan. Can you post a picture of yourself?
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  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by thisAngelBites View Post
    It was great of you to post this, Obs.

    I think lots of us want to keep young people from making mistakes like this. I read with interest that you said that you thought others were "...trying to keep [you] away from being a badass."

    That's not the first time I have read people thinking that sort of thing. And I can't help but wonder how it is that someone thinks that some guy on the other side of the world (or country) is somehow threatened by someone they don't even know getting really built. I think it's great that people spend their time trying to help others learn from their mistakes, even if people have crazy thoughts that strangers are somehow conspiring to keep them down.

    Every time I see a young guy say he's okay with the side effects cycling young might have on him, I know they;re in denial. I don't for a minute think that they consider the horrible depression and the sexual dysfunction and decide that they're making a rational trade (25 pounds of muscle for a lost marriage, for example). I think what they do is think that somehow, magically, none of it will really happen to them. None of us ever gets to totally control our biology, no matter how careful we are, as there is still so much about the endocrine system that we do not understand.

    So I just wanted to say thanks for writing your story. I know that while some will disregard what you say, there are many others who will wait longer and think harder due to your words.
    Most of the non listeners think they are bullet proof somehow or that they won't be affected somehow. Its real. It actually affects every aspect of a mans mind and body. I realize this every time I pop a zit or get frustrated for no reason. No one is immune all are affected.

    My biggest concern is maturity mentally though.
    I didn't grow up till 30 and I still battle my temper constantly. People always think they are mature until they find out their medulla had more power over them than they thought.

    As was stated above though pros do sell themselves to it at a young age but... After 5 years of training at 5'10" 154lbs... He isnt going pro.

    This poster needs food and training.

    Not many young guys out there that are smart like hollowedzeus.
    thisAngelBites likes this.

  17. #17
    MuscleScience's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Obspowerstroke View Post
    I cycled at 22. I really messed up. I did it totally wrong but got good results in terms of gains. Cycles ended abruptly and I wound up osing 50lbs in four months and wanted death. I sat in a motel every night alone and glad to be that way with a 7mm Ultra Mag and a fifth of vodka each night. When I thought too much about myself I would stick the rifle barrel in my mouth and consider things.

    You are too young, period. Its not like you think, that muscle wont stay. I went from being a guy every girl wanted to fuck at first sight to being a totally antisocial, shut off, suicidal, and crazy as hell.

    The benefit I got was muscle that faded quickly and I did a whole lot of shit in that post mental state that still tugs at my conscience as I start to fall asleep.

    However seriously you take lifting and diet take it twice as seriously by studying here for a couple more years.

    I swear to God look at my join date and do the math. Ten years ago I was being warned not to cycle but I thought, "A bunch of bitches that cant handle their own bodies are trying to keep me away from being a badass."

    Those bitches were right in my case.
    I look back and remember thinking that if I can just get to this spot... I can fucking die and I wont care, as long as I actually did this with my life...
    Well... I didn't die.
    I lived through it and I look at that period and see an angry boy that is lucky he isn't in prison. To be perfectly honest "that guy" is who I remember when I restrain myself, today. I don't wanna be that guy. That guy should be in prison because he was a menace.

    I had kids afterward, gear went byebye.

    I loved the cycling feeling enough that as soon as my wife left me for another guy, I fell into that same depressed feeling I had when I was 23. It brought it all back and I started cycling again and lifting as a means of "fuck you bitch, I am better, and I will never stop.

    Just before I totally broke mentally after my wife left, I bought a S&W m&p .45 acp which I intended to splatter my brains across my kitchen table with. I never fired that gun I sold it the next day.
    I was sitting at the table thinking back on her and the kids, (5) suddenly being gone and why it happened. I was listening to music cranked to the ceiling to drown out silence (i lived alone in a farmhouse 12 miles from a small town) and Rob Bailey "Beast" came on.

    Every ounce of life or feeling I had in me turned to hatred.
    I was not sad or depressed anymore. I was on fire for pain. I started lifting again and used that hatred to destroy my workouts.

    Anyway, I guess the shit I am on now is giving me serious mental issues or I wouldn't have revisited this story which I have told twenty times on here.

    To the people who do know me and my story, sorry...

    If you are like me, my story didn't make a dent and you will cycle anyway.

    Once you lose an erection during sex though you might remember this post. No girl understands. They will all do one of two things:

    They will blame themselves and be sad because of you.
    They will blame themselves and be mad because of you.

    You on the other hand will feel like a useless man at such a young age.

    Good luck. No offense, but I have been there and thought I was ready too. This is probably the longest post I have ever made.
    Shit just got real, thanks for sharing.
    Obs likes this.
    “If you can't explain it to a second grader, you probably don't understand it yourself.” Albert Einstein

    "Juice slow, train smart, it's a long journey."

    "In a world full of pussies, being a redneck is not a bad thing."

    Body building is a way of life..........but can not get in the way of your life.

    No Source Check Please, I don't know of any.

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  18. #18
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    thanks for the advice guys I think I may have not been too clear and that was my fault, I only said what i said because I was only looking for source verification and guidance, I wasn't looking for diet and training advice I'm at this weight right now by choice, right now I'm maintaining. I was at around 175 for awhile but I didn't like the way I looked in order for me to get bigger (fast) I need to put some pounds on that aren't exactly muscle. If I wanted to get to 175-180 (my target weight) and still have the BF% I desire I could but it takes a long time for me that's just the way my body is I've done it a few times before but being natural I feel like I'm constantly bulking and cutting and I get antsy and take shortcuts to get the lbs up. I never said I'm going to start taking steroids at my current weight, that's foolish. I plan on getting to my target weight first and then start a cycle. That's my plan. I would just like some guidance so I can be prepared when I do take that leap and I'm not injecting cat piss from a bad source. It could easily be a year maybe 2 years from now. I know the steps and the risks and I am okay with that. If you guys think I have the mentality that I'm a know it all kid and I don't eat right that's because I'm not saying much. I didn't give out too much info as to (why) I'm 5"10 and only 154 lbs and that's because for awhile that's the look I desired. But that's changed. again I never said I was going to be drastic and jump into this, I'm going to put on as much as I can first naturally. I could've easily lied and said I'm 5"6 235 lbs and am looking for a new source or something but I didn't.. if anyone needs me to answer anything I can. I came into this forum with two things set on my mind. Source verification and advice on my first cycle.
    I can be more open if needed, but this is something I AM going to eventually do and if I can get advice and guidance before hand.. well that's just me trying to do this as safely as possible. Again, starting a cycle right NOW was never on my mind.. I can also see why some of you think i dont know how to eat seeing as how im only 154 lbs but again... thats by choice :P it's was the look i wanted for summer pretty much. im thinking long term right now Im trying to put the time into the research,

    and OBS I really appreciate what you posted I know where you're coming from and i appreciate the hell out of it. I would never run a cycle for others though. Im incredibly into myself more than i should be to be honest haha But... not for the reasons you may think, im into myself as in all aspects of my life. I only want to because i like the look it's not for social status or to be accepted or to say fuck you to others. I have a very good life loving parents great friends good job great wife and beautiful kids. I dont drink i dont smoke ive never done any drugs (EVER! Gear would be my very first foreign substance im putting into my body and that includes alcohol and marijuana) I've never had a suicidal thought or action, and i'm one of the lucky ones thats never been depressed in my life. Im not trying to sound like the know it all im bullet proof little kid that may come across, Im telling you this so you can kind of see that i have the mentality that someone should have who is delving into this. thats my opinion anyways. Im also looking for a response to this mentality as well im not trying to sound arrogant im just trying to tell you guys where im at. And im welcoming all counters and bitching with open arms! at this point im a sponge and am really appreciating all the feedback!

  19. #19
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    On a side note im not going to do a few cycles and then quit. I have the time the money and the desire to do this for a long time.

  20. #20
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    Ill try to reply to all of you when i can as well!

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by BigTahl View Post
    22, 5"10, 154 lbs <- up do not know how to eat yet. You can put on 20lbs of muscle without AAS at your age with a strict workout and diet plan. Can you post a picture of yourself?
    to reply directly to you i ask that you read my latest post on this thread that should clear some things up haha. Don't judge a book by it's cover. And i realize i can make gains without AAS im well aware :P Im looking at long term here. Again my father is a bodybuilder I've learned alot from him and my knowledge of diet is just fine :P I just wanted that look for the summer and it was faster to achieve than if i decided to bulk.

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by MBaraso View Post
    I disagree with you cycling at 22 but you're probably not going to listen to us so if u do decide to I recommend not using Sus. Test E or C at 400-500 mgs per week would be more then enough. Nolva on hand and proper pct is a must.
    Do some research before you do anything though...
    Best of luck,
    I never said i was going to start at 22 :P which i why asked people not to bring it up. Im here for research before i do take that leap may be a few years yet.

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by Obspowerstroke View Post
    Most of the non listeners think they are bullet proof somehow or that they won't be affected somehow. Its real. It actually affects every aspect of a mans mind and body. I realize this every time I pop a zit or get frustrated for no reason. No one is immune all are affected.

    My biggest concern is maturity mentally though.
    I didn't grow up till 30 and I still battle my temper constantly. People always think they are mature until they find out their medulla had more power over them than they thought.

    As was stated above though pros do sell themselves to it at a young age but... After 5 years of training at 5'10" 154lbs... He isnt going pro.

    This poster needs food and training.

    Not many young guys out there that are smart like hollowedzeus.
    I ask that you please read my latest reply's I did ask people to not bring up my diet and weight and age for a reason :P I knew you would anyways but hopefully that clears it up.

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by Oney View Post
    I ask that you please read my latest reply's I did ask people to not bring up my diet and weight and age for a reason :P I knew you would anyways but hopefully that clears it up.
    We dont do that here.
    We dont give advice and sources etc readily to people who do not need them without these stats because they are a basis for whether you need gear or not.

    You dont need gear at your size and age. You haven't finished growing so you damn sure haven't plateaued.
    You asked for advice, this is it. Others may chime in shit they shouldn't trying to "help".
    They will in fact be helping you set yourself up for failure.
    Study up. Read all the sticky threads. If you are indeed waiting then start studying. Its all been covered here.
    People aren't gonna post here and teach you all about AAS in a few pages or days.

    I have been messing with the shit for years and still don't know much on many compounds. We will all keep an eye out. If you want mentors you are at the right place but start one question at a time.

    Also, welcome....
    hollowedzeus likes this.

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by Obspowerstroke View Post
    We dont do that here.
    We dont give advice and sources etc readily to people who do not need them without these stats because they are a basis for whether you need gear or not.

    You dont need gear at your size and age. You haven't finished growing so you damn sure haven't plateaued.
    You asked for advice, this is it. Others may chime in shit they shouldn't trying to "help".
    They will in fact be helping you set yourself up for failure.
    Study up. Read all the sticky threads. If you are indeed waiting then start studying. Its all been covered here.
    People aren't gonna post here and teach you all about AAS in a few pages or days.

    I have been messing with the shit for years and still don't know much on many compounds. We will all keep an eye out. If you want mentors you are at the right place but start one question at a time.

    Also, welcome....
    I dont know how else to say this without coming across as someone im not but... I dont think you understand what im saying.. at all. Im not asking for sources NOW I'm looking for mentors who will be able to offer sources and source verification when i do start. Im not sure why you're so ready to think im going to fail. I think it's because you're just gazing through my post and not really understanding what im saying. again i hate to sound like this but i dont know how else to say it. Im here to learn, not to jump into this. I think you're projecting your own bad experiences on me but i have a pretty good feeling we are not the same in alot of ways. Im also guessing if you do reply to this you're just going to say what i think you're going to say, so in that case im just going to say (again) im here to learn not to get gear right now and start a cycle. you can say what you want now but im guessing its going to sound alot like to quote you "People aren't gonna post here and teach you all about AAS ina few pages or days." And to that i will say AGAIN im here for mentors who can help teach me for years to come.

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    you also mentioned your hot headed and i can tell that has a lot to do with your replys not to be disrespectful. I'm just saying.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Oney View Post
    I dont know how else to say this without coming across as someone im not but... I dont think you understand what im saying.. at all. Im not asking for sources NOW I'm looking for mentors who will be able to offer sources and source verification when i do start. Im not sure why you're so ready to think im going to fail. I think it's because you're just gazing through my post and not really understanding what im saying. again i hate to sound like this but i dont know how else to say it. Im here to learn, not to jump into this. I think you're projecting your own bad experiences on me but i have a pretty good feeling we are not the same in alot of ways. Im also guessing if you do reply to this you're just going to say what i think you're going to say, so in that case im just going to say (again) im here to learn not to get gear right now and start a cycle. you can say what you want now but im guessing its going to sound alot like to quote you "People aren't gonna post here and teach you all about AAS ina few pages or days." And to that i will say AGAIN im here for mentors who can help teach me for years to come.
    I already told you you have mentors here. Maybe go back and re read my post.

  28. #28
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    I also meant none of that rudely or in anger. Have a way of coming off that way often and I apologize. This place is the perfect place to gather info on anything related to BB.

    A couple years study here and you will beready as you can be.
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    One thing you will find about this place is that the info is good because the long time members are quick to dispell any crap info. Sources dont dictate the info posted here and we have been here the longest. There has been the cumulative knowlede of people into AAS all their lives for over 17 years.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Obspowerstroke View Post
    I also meant none of that rudely or in anger. Have a way of coming off that way often and I apologize. This place is the perfect place to gather info on anything related to BB.

    A couple years study here and you will beready as you can be.
    Don't apologize for others being too soft, this isn't a safe place

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    Quote Originally Posted by Oney View Post
    to reply directly to you i ask that you read my latest post on this thread that should clear some things up haha. Don't judge a book by it's cover. And i realize i can make gains without AAS im well aware :P Im looking at long term here. Again my father is a bodybuilder I've learned alot from him and my knowledge of diet is just fine :P I just wanted that look for the summer and it was faster to achieve than if i decided to bulk.
    Your father must not be that great of a body builder or he would have been able to give you all the advice you were asking for. You say you are looking for mentors, so why not your dad?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Oney View Post
    I dont know how else to say this without coming across as someone im not but... I dont think you understand what im saying.. at all. Im not asking for sources NOW I'm looking for mentors who will be able to offer sources and source verification when i do start. Im not sure why you're so ready to think im going to fail. I think it's because you're just gazing through my post and not really understanding what im saying. again i hate to sound like this but i dont know how else to say it. Im here to learn, not to jump into this. I think you're projecting your own bad experiences on me but i have a pretty good feeling we are not the same in alot of ways. Im also guessing if you do reply to this you're just going to say what i think you're going to say, so in that case im just going to say (again) im here to learn not to get gear right now and start a cycle. you can say what you want now but im guessing its going to sound alot like to quote you "People aren't gonna post here and teach you all about AAS ina few pages or days." And to that i will say AGAIN im here for mentors who can help teach me for years to come.
    No one here, with a good reputation, will give you sources

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    dont ask for a source thx
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    Quote Originally Posted by Oney View Post
    I never said i was going to start at 22 :P which i why asked people not to bring it up. Im here for research before i do take that leap may be a few years yet.
    listen OP..i didn't get involved with aas till I was 36 and had a great base to start from 7 years of serious natty training that's not including the 15+ plus years of on and off training trough high school and my early 20' point is is that I truly wish I never ever touched the stuff and I miss the days of spontaneous erections...I am 45 now and have to take something to achieve a hard enough erection that lasts long enough to please my wife and it has caused a ton of stress for me...sure I look fantastic but whats it all for if you get eye fucked all day by hot chicks but could never do anything about it...luckily I am married to a very understanding wife who loved me when I was a fat mess and still loves me to this day regardless of my poor decisions sometimes...I see the road your about to head down so I thought id share another story for you to consider...good luck I cant imagine the problems you will have by age 30-35...
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sh0tsf1red View Post
    Your father must not be that great of a body builder or he would have been able to give you all the advice you were asking for. You say you are looking for mentors, so why not your dad?
    because his dad is natty and wont understand...what he really wants is someone to hold his hand and spoon feed him the information instead of taking the time to learn this all for himself...if your to lazy to research than aas is not for you kid...

  35. #35
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    Nobody thinks you're gonna fail....they're just looking out for your best interest...see they have something you have not yet acquired in comes from age and in time it gives you clarity of vision...see lots of us were like you hard heads we have to find out for our selves and up paying a price for our decisions....the brothers they care about you or they wouldn't be saying anything...if we didn't give a fuck we wouldn't waste our time putting our thoughts into words....anyway good luck

    Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sh0tsf1red View Post
    Don't apologize for others being too soft, this isn't a safe place
    Its gonna be an empty place if we run everyone off though. Once in a while I like to keep a prospect around. Its hard to keep the new ones around when they are young because they get what they feel is contempt and the give it right back and it goes back and forth till they never post again.

    I spent a lot of time pecking this crap out on my smartphone, with one thumb, bout my past etc for this guy to just up and leave.

    He needs to stay here. Other boards will set him up for failue. He just needs to lose the idea that everyone is out to get him.
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    Quote Originally Posted by ghettoboyd View Post
    listen OP..i didn't get involved with aas till I was 36 and had a great base to start from 7 years of serious natty training that's not including the 15+ plus years of on and off training trough high school and my early 20' point is is that I truly wish I never ever touched the stuff and I miss the days of spontaneous erections...I am 45 now and have to take something to achieve a hard enough erection that lasts long enough to please my wife and it has caused a ton of stress for me...sure I look fantastic but whats it all for if you get eye fucked all day by hot chicks but could never do anything about it...luckily I am married to a very understanding wife who loved me when I was a fat mess and still loves me to this day regardless of my poor decisions sometimes...I see the road your about to head down so I thought id share another story for you to consider...good luck I cant imagine the problems you will have by age 30-35...
    Are you on TRT now?

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    Quote Originally Posted by rnsplg View Post
    Are you on TRT now?

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    Quote Originally Posted by ghettoboyd View Post
    How come you still have ED? Any idea of what else and why this occurs with AAS use?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Oney View Post
    to reply directly to you i ask that you read my latest post on this thread that should clear some things up haha. Don't judge a book by it's cover. And i realize i can make gains without AAS im well aware :P Im looking at long term here. Again my father is a bodybuilder I've learned alot from him and my knowledge of diet is just fine :P I just wanted that look for the summer and it was faster to achieve than if i decided to bulk.
    Your issue is learing to eat. No I read everything. "I can get up to 175 with serious dedication but I'm no longer lean, 0 abs 0 striations. I just look fat." reads as this "I do not know how to eat or train". You are not eating correctly to put on perminate muscle and stay at a low body fat.

    My son is your age and 5'7 and when he spends his time in the gym, the kitchen and cardio he is 12% at 183 lbs. When he is just playing sports and not working in the kitchen eating he drops down to 165 lbs and 8% body fat.

    You need to be researing from this area This is where you will see the most LONG TERM gains.

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