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Thread: Feedback on anavar cycle diet?

  1. #1
    ContinuityCheck is offline New Member
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    Feedback on anavar cycle diet?

    I'm planning on doing an anavar -only cycle for several weeks (not sure of the exact dosage or timetable yet), so I calculated an estimate of my caloric maintenance level and put together a diet plan that should keep me right around there, with a slight caloric surplus on my training days and a slight caloric deficit on my off days (training 3 times a week, Mon/Wed/Fri). My goal right now is just to see what effect the anavar will have on me (I'm hoping for strength, pump, and a little more definition), so a maintenance diet seems to be a good "control test" for this purpose.

    It looks like this:

    Early morning (before work, soon after waking up): 2 wedges of cantaloupe (or 2 slices of pineapple), 8 strawberries (or a handful of red grapes), 1 cup of whole milk, 1 multivitamin, 2 fish-oil capsules

    During work (over the course of the day, as I feel hungry): half a carton of raspberries, 2 ham-and-Swiss sandwiches on wheat bread (2 slices of bread/ham/cheese each, with lettuce and light mayonnaise)

    Pre-workout (soon before leaving work for the gym): 1 green pear, 1 rounded teaspoon of peanut butter

    Post-workout (ASAP after finishing a workout): 1 whey/dextrose shake (double scoop of whey)

    Post-workout (60 to 90 minutes after protein shake): 1 pound of salmon, 2 potatoes (mashed), choice of vegetable (serving of baby carrots, cabbage, bell pepper, mixed frozen veggies, etc.), 1 cup of whole milk, 1 multivitamin

    Late night (soon before going to bed): 2 cups of whole milk

    ***On non-workout days, I'll replace the salmon and potatoes with 3 eggs (scrambled), 2 slices of buttered toast (on wheat bread), and 2 fish-oil capsules

    Now, this plan may seem a little weird for a muscle-making diet, but it's built around my schedule (for instance, very little time in the morning), my convenience (for instance, only being able to fit so much in my lunch-case at work), and around what foods I actually LIKE (for instance, I won't touch oatmeal). The bottom line is that the calories add up, the macros should be okay, and I'm HOPING that it (and the anavar) will keep me looking fuller/feeling stronger throughout the day without bloating me.

    Do you guys think this diet is a waste of time for someone looking to improve their body composition with anavar? Any tweaks anyone would suggest?

    ....Do you think I should be using something OTHER than anavar? (And no, I don't care about side effects. I have test on-hand if I really need it.)

  2. #2
    GearHeaded is offline BANNED
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    your diet contains way to much fruit / fructose. this is not going to help you keep the 'full' look your going for as Fructose does not get stored as muscle glycogen, it only gets stored as fat or liver glycogen (so your muscles will Never fill out)

    your going to be better off with carbs that convert to glucose. white rice, potatoes, white bread, etc. . and ditch the fruit. also, not sure why you wouldn't want to be at a calorie surplus if your going to run AAS and want to put on muscle

    are you male or female ? generally only women run VAR only cycles , as VAR will shut down your natural testosterone production, so men run Test with VAR

  3. #3
    ContinuityCheck is offline New Member
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    Well, the fruit's mostly in the morning, because: 1.) I heard that the body can really use the fructose at that time without it turning to fat, since it will replenish the liver's supply lost overnight. 2.) I just don't have the time or appetite for much more than that early in the morning.

    I'm a guy, and to start off, I really just wanna see what effect anavar has on me, THEN narrow down the focus of my cycle/diet/training. The thing is, I'm always trying to add muscle (I love the idea of being a mass powerhouse like Arnold), but I'm not that lean right now, so I'm hoping that MAYBE with 'var, I can put on some muscle while minimizing the fat gain. I've done a lot of research on 'var, read a LOT of testimonials from guys that have run it on its own, and many of them said that they had no issues while still seeing nice results. I'll take my chances, and like I said previously, I have test-E if I need it, y'know?

    You're probably right about getting more carbs into my day, though. Also, white bread specifically? Not wheat or wholegrain?

  4. #4
    GearHeaded is offline BANNED
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    Well nothing wrong with experimenting . if a VAR only cycle is your experiment then best of luck with it, its a decent compound. not sure what your cycle experience is, but for your goal Tren works the best at keeping the fat off while trying to put on muscle. but VAR will help as well

    Fruit in the morning is going to spike your blood sugar, which is fine, but when you wake up in the morning your body is generally in a state of Lipolysis because of being fasted 8-10 hours. its using fat for fuel. the minute you consume Fruit , you get that rise in blood sugar and your body will stop burning fat for fuel and will use glucose .
    imo, if your concerned with fat burning, then only having protein and fats for breakfast is a better option. then take in the majority of your carbs around the time of your workout.

    whole wheat bread is fine (unless you have a gluten allergy). I prefer white bread because its faster absorbing and more easily digested. and its something I would take in post workout. I use exogenous insulin though, so I'm specifically looking for fast digesting carbs

  5. #5
    ContinuityCheck is offline New Member
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    Tren , huh? Interesting. I read your reply and spent about an hour looking into it (hadn't much before). I've done two test-E/dbol cycles with moderate success, but I'm still nowhere near as big or ripped as I wanna be. Tren sounds intimidating, but look, I'll be honest with you, because you seem alright (not that I really know you, of course).

    I'm trying to impress a girl that I run into almost everyday. No girl has ever given me any attention before, but I'm hoping that I might eventually be able to make something with this one (she seems like my type, based on how I've seen her act and talk). It may sound really shallow, but I just need the confidence that comes with being jacked before I really approach her and start dropping hints, y'know what I mean? Plus, I want her to feel flattered that I'm hitting on her, like "Whoa, this powerful guy is talking to me. Cool! <3" I might be a terrible person, and I don't wanna turn this into a dating advice column or anything, but let me tell you, dude:

    I will do ANYTHING I have to do in order to attract a girl.

    I take back what I said previously about certain things not working in my day-to-day life. I will MAKE them work. I'm more muscular than I was a few years ago, but girls still don't seem to care, so I know I need MUCH more hardness and mass to be worth their time. (Hence why I'm concerned with "looking fuller and pumped" throughout the day.) If I have to go through some coughing fits to make this a reality, I'll do it. If I have to go through some extra PIP, so be it. As long as it doesn't kill me or my sex drive, I will go through it to make myself worthy of this girl.

    Question: Should I run tren and test only to accomplish this? Or is there another compound I should add to it? Some oral, maybe? I really appreciate this, man.

  6. #6
    GearHeaded is offline BANNED
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    let me clarify, I only said TREN was the best compound at keeping body fat in check while building muscle. I never suggested it to you , as I don't know your stats, age, experience, nor did I know you only have two cycles under your belt.

    IF getting girls is what you want, or building relationship with a certain girl is what is important to you . then stay far far far away from Tren! it will turn you into a guy that has no empathy or care in the world especially for things like 'female emotions'

    just an fyi - another route to getting girls besides being physically aesthetic and well built , is either having an awesome personality, or being very successful and making plenty of money. just saying

  7. #7
    MACKATTACK's Avatar
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    No offense but this whole thing sounds like a waste of time......this cycle you are not going to see gains, several weeks sounds like 3-4, you may not even see gains from it till after that point.

  8. #8
    PT1982's Avatar
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    Anavar is awesome period. I'm with the above in that you can eat too much fruit. I do eat a lot of fruit, but I'll generally save it for times that my body will use it in the way I need it to. Such as before and/or after a workout, or as a quick carb source with a protein shake. I like complex carbs early.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by ContinuityCheck View Post
    I'm planning on doing an anavar -only cycle for several weeks (not sure of the exact dosage or timetable yet), so I calculated an estimate of my caloric maintenance level and put together a diet plan that should keep me right around there, with a slight caloric surplus on my training days and a slight caloric deficit on my off days (training 3 times a week, Mon/Wed/Fri). My goal right now is just to see what effect the anavar will have on me (I'm hoping for strength, pump, and a little more definition), so a maintenance diet seems to be a good "control test" for this purpose.

    It looks like this:

    Early morning (before work, soon after waking up): 2 wedges of cantaloupe (or 2 slices of pineapple), 8 strawberries (or a handful of red grapes), 1 cup of whole milk, 1 multivitamin, 2 fish-oil capsules

    During work (over the course of the day, as I feel hungry): half a carton of raspberries, 2 ham-and-Swiss sandwiches on wheat bread (2 slices of bread/ham/cheese each, with lettuce and light mayonnaise)

    Pre-workout (soon before leaving work for the gym): 1 green pear, 1 rounded teaspoon of peanut butter

    Post-workout (ASAP after finishing a workout): 1 whey/dextrose shake (double scoop of whey)

    Post-workout (60 to 90 minutes after protein shake): 1 pound of salmon, 2 potatoes (mashed), choice of vegetable (serving of baby carrots, cabbage, bell pepper, mixed frozen veggies, etc.), 1 cup of whole milk, 1 multivitamin

    Late night (soon before going to bed): 2 cups of whole milk

    ***On non-workout days, I'll replace the salmon and potatoes with 3 eggs (scrambled), 2 slices of buttered toast (on wheat bread), and 2 fish-oil capsules

    Now, this plan may seem a little weird for a muscle-making diet, but it's built around my schedule (for instance, very little time in the morning), my convenience (for instance, only being able to fit so much in my lunch-case at work), and around what foods I actually LIKE (for instance, I won't touch oatmeal). The bottom line is that the calories add up, the macros should be okay, and I'm HOPING that it (and the anavar) will keep me looking fuller/feeling stronger throughout the day without bloating me.

    Do you guys think this diet is a waste of time for someone looking to improve their body composition with anavar? Any tweaks anyone would suggest?

    ....Do you think I should be using something OTHER than anavar? (And no, I don't care about side effects. I have test on-hand if I really need it.)
    Eating fruit is great in the morning. It does have a lot of fructose and you should balance that fructose with some fiber or protein. There should be some protein and carbs each time you eat. It balances things in your body as it produces energy. As for an Anavar only cycle, it's great. You need about 50mg/ed+ to see any gains. Run it for 4wks to 6wks and you will see your muscles toning up and dropping some belly fat. Anavar is the weakest steroid out there so I wouldn't expect big results. Of course, higher the dosage more gains you will see.

  10. #10
    ContinuityCheck is offline New Member
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    Okay, so... gonna sorta hijack my own thread here. I've been looking things over and have decided that anavar 's too weak to give me the results I really want. The thing is (I explained this in a post to GearHeaded up there), I'm trying to impress a girl by becoming as massive and powerful as possible. I know, it's shallow and dumb, blah blah blah... but girls just don't like me, so it's the only way. So anavar might be good, but I'm considering going the tren /test route instead to REALLY explode my physique if I can.

    Thoughts on this, since you seem knowledgeable? (Side effects don't matter to me, since I know how to aspirate and I'm always angry anyway, being single.)

  11. #11
    Octaneforce's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ContinuityCheck View Post
    Okay, so... gonna sorta hijack my own thread here. I've been looking things over and have decided that anavar 's too weak to give me the results I really want. The thing is (I explained this in a post to GearHeaded up there), I'm trying to impress a girl by becoming as massive and powerful as possible. I know, it's shallow and dumb, blah blah blah... but girls just don't like me, so it's the only way. So anavar might be good, but I'm considering going the tren /test route instead to REALLY explode my physique if I can.

    Thoughts on this, since you seem knowledgeable? (Side effects don't matter to me, since I know how to aspirate and I'm always angry anyway, being single.)
    Whats your cycle history? Whats your height and weight? Tren is not for beginners. Sure you can blow up and impress this chick but if you dont have a good base your just asking for an injury. Tren is brutal. Just do a bunch of test and dbol and throw heavy weight around at the gym.

  12. #12
    GearHeaded is offline BANNED
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    test / tren is great. but you gotta know what your doing in order to grow. some guys run Tren and after 8 weeks they've actually lost weight (sure they look better without a t shirt on, hard, full and dry). if you want to get as big and massive as possible there are better compounds. OR you have to know how to run Tren properly with bulkers.

    look into Anadrol . thats a compound that can blow you up very quickly

  13. #13
    cousinmuscles's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ContinuityCheck View Post
    Okay, so... gonna sorta hijack my own thread here. I've been looking things over and have decided that anavar 's too weak to give me the results I really want. The thing is (I explained this in a post to GearHeaded up there), I'm trying to impress a girl by becoming as massive and powerful as possible. I know, it's shallow and dumb, blah blah blah... but girls just don't like me, so it's the only way. So anavar might be good, but I'm considering going the tren /test route instead to REALLY explode my physique if I can.

    Thoughts on this, since you seem knowledgeable? (Side effects don't matter to me, since I know how to aspirate and I'm always angry anyway, being single.)
    You're looking into fixing something very short sightedly. For one, what will you do once you come off cycle and the PCT doesn't go as intended, you now have a girlfriend but erectile dysfunction. You feel weak, pissy, easily annoyed and you can't even enjoy some good time with your girl. Also, if the girl won't like you for who you are now, are you going to keep making short sighted decisions indefinitely in hopes of impressing some girl? What if that 5-10lbs of muscle doesn't impress her?

  14. #14
    GearHeaded is offline BANNED
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    Quote Originally Posted by cousinmuscles View Post
    You're looking into fixing something very short sightedly. For one, what will you do once you come off cycle and the PCT doesn't go as intended, you now have a girlfriend but erectile dysfunction. You feel weak, pissy, easily annoyed and you can't even enjoy some good time with your girl. Also, if the girl won't like you for who you are now, are you going to keep making short sighted decisions indefinitely in hopes of impressing some girl? What if that 5-10lbs of muscle doesn't impress her?
    All these "what ifs" . well "what if" he eats a ton of fruit (I don't recommend) and takes a ton of Tren (I don't recommend) and gets super jacked, impresses this girl, falls in love, gets married, has a great life, has kids one of which discovers the cure for every disease known to man.

    could happen. your always looking at the possible negatives brother. sometimes guys just gotta live and learn. You seem to play the 'ethical' card a lot with these guys and try to show them how WRONG they are for even wanting to do steroids .. I personally don't care if someone wants to do steroids for any reason what so ever , heck maybe they are just bored and like to experiment with drugs , fine go for it brothers (I'm no ones moral guardian angel), guess thats my libertarian mind set coming through . I'll educate as best I can, and hope they weigh the pros and cons, but I won't take an ethical stance or a moral judgment against them based on their decision or desire.

    just adding another view point here, thats all. we all have reasons for running gear, and its not all the same reason. its a personal decision only (you don't need to be a certain body fat %, have a certain foundation, have hopes of going pro, be a competitor , etc.. it does not matter. IF its to get jacked and impress girls , then more power to you , nothing wrong with that Imo )

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    All these "what ifs" . well "what if" he eats a ton of fruit (I don't recommend) and takes a ton of Tren (I don't recommend) and gets super jacked, impresses this girl, falls in love, gets married, has a great life, has kids one of which discovers the cure for every disease known to man.

    could happen. your always looking at the possible negatives brother. sometimes guys just gotta live and learn. You seem to play the 'ethical' card a lot with these guys and try to show them how WRONG they are for even wanting to do steroids .. I personally don't care if someone wants to do steroids for any reason what so ever , heck maybe they are just bored and like to experiment with drugs , fine go for it brothers (I'm no ones moral guardian angel), guess thats my libertarian mind set coming through . I'll educate as best I can, and hope they weigh the pros and cons, but I won't take an ethical stance or a moral judgment against them based on their decision or desire.

    just adding another view point here, thats all. we all have reasons for running gear, and its not all the same reason. its a personal decision only (you don't need to be a certain body fat %, have a certain foundation, have hopes of going pro, be a competitor , etc.. it does not matter. IF its to get jacked and impress girls , then more power to you , nothing wrong with that Imo )
    I applaud you for your optimism
    GearHeaded likes this.

  16. #16
    ContinuityCheck is offline New Member
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    Hey man, I appreciate that you're not bashing me for thinking of trying this. You really seem okay. If that's you in your profile pic, then you're DEFINITELY someone I'm gonna listen to, because you look completely badass. Do me a favor and just assume that side effects and money don't matter in this scenario. How much and how long would you suggest that I run a tren /test cycle? Any orals on top of them?

    I mean... this may be a really really reallyreallyreallyREALLY stupid question, but... what if I just never came off tren/test?

    Also, looking into anadrol right now.

  17. #17
    MACKATTACK's Avatar
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    You should work on your game.......if you don't have the gift of gab you will have trouble getting girls regardless of how you look. Plenty of meat heads out there only f*cking ugly girls lol. Steroids expand cell size, once you come off cycle the cells shrink back down, what do you think happens to your size......

    Get a meal plan, workout, give it time.......

  18. #18
    GearHeaded is offline BANNED
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    Quote Originally Posted by ContinuityCheck View Post
    REALLY stupid question, but what if I just never came off tren/test?
    its not a stupid question. its just that you are new to this and don't understating the ramifications of some of these compounds . believe me, you will WANT to come off the Tren .

    Plenty of guys with experience, , including myself, run heavy cycles of Tren and we actually can't wait for the day the cycle is over. we are on the cycle suffering and pushing ourselves . being on these compounds is NOT always a comfortable feeling at all.

    its really only inexperienced guys who only have a few cycles under their belts (and not years and years of use like myself). that paint the picture that Tren is so wonderful or is the "nectar of the Gods".. no, its a two sided sword and it will cut you both ways. I still use it quite often, I still really really like it, but its just a tool in my arsenal and again its not always pretty, peachy, or comfy.

    its like using a jack hammer for the first time .. fucking feels bad ass. but believe me after awhile your going to want to get off that damn jack hammer and feel normal for awhile

  19. #19
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    Wait, so tren makes you feel like crap? I would think that any man would feel great on something that makes you so much... MANLIER. Thing is, I'm angry pretty much all the time anyway, so there'd be no difference there, and I sweat a lot already, so hopefully not much difference there... I mentioned in a previous post that I have run a couple basic test/dbol cycles, and they were decent, but honestly, they never REALLY gave me the feelings or gains I want so fucking badly. Like, dbol supposedly makes your physique balloon up and makes you feel like a champion, but mine never did. I didn't even use any pct because I felt like I didn't need it. Still horny as ever. The stuff could've been underdosed, I guess --- man, it sucks having to trust someone else's claims.

    So tren ACTUALLY works? Like, assuming it's legit, it will ACTUALLY help my physique and strength in a NOTICEABLE way? Please tell me it actually works, man...

  20. #20
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    GH can speak to tren better than i. I ran it once, quite a while back and wasnt really a fan. I may never run it again, and of i do, it will only be under certain circumstances. I cant really tell from your description exactly what you are trying to gain in your physique- i get the blowing it up idea- but specifically.
    Im currently on test/deca and love it. Im a bigger guy, 6'3" 245lbs, didnt start with the best bf% or a shit ton of training "base", but dedicated to makimg it work, and not looking to add weight per se, so eating to grow muscle but not put on alot of mass or weight. Once deca gets going, you will see the muscles swell. But keep in mind- alot of that swell goes away after cycle when water drains a bit. Gonna add winny in at 4 or 6 weeks toward the end to dump a little of the excess water, dry out a bit, and that will be that. This was my favorite protocol when i cycled in my 20's, and once u learn how to keep any sides in check, its a nice regimen.
    Just please- if you decide at the end of the day, to go the tren route, please do your homework and then some, to make sure you know what ur getting into

  21. #21
    ContinuityCheck is offline New Member
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    Why were you not a fan of tren ? Because of disappointing results, or because of the sides?

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