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Thread: Sensitive nipples test + adex cycle

  1. #1

    Sensitive nipples test + adex cycle

    I'm on week 3 of sust 400, 800mg first week then dropped to 560mg/wk. Got blood work after week 1 and saw VERY elevated e2 so I immediately started on arimidex 1mg/day for a week. My intent was to drop to .5 - 1mg eod, but today, my first day without arimidex dose, my nipples are very sensitive, almost feels rashed, but no puffiness, no lumps, nothing else. What should I do from here?

  2. #2
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    your taking 800mg of Test and your E2 is very elevated .. umm ok thats whats supposed to happen. you don't take 800mg of test if your don't want high amounts of estrogen on your cycle. you can run 20 or so other steroids that don't convert to estrogen, not test. the whole point of taking high doses of test is to also get high e2 to help you grow (estrogen is anabolic).

    taking that much test and then taking that much AI on top of it is counter productive and a waste of time.

    if your nips are sensitive,, thats just because your probably somewhat new to running gear. nips get sensitive with hormonal fluctuations in the body. its not necessarily gyno or estrogen related.
    if your that worried about gyno though your better off just running Nolvadex then at low dose

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    your taking 800mg of Test and your E2 is very elevated .. umm ok thats whats supposed to happen. you don't take 800mg of test if your don't want high amounts of estrogen on your cycle. you can run 20 or so other steroids that don't convert to estrogen, not test. the whole point of taking high doses of test is to also get high e2 to help you grow (estrogen is anabolic).

    taking that much test and then taking that much AI on top of it is counter productive and a waste of time.

    if your nips are sensitive,, thats just because your probably somewhat new to running gear. nips get sensitive with hormonal fluctuations in the body. its not necessarily gyno or estrogen related.
    if your that worried about gyno though your better off just running Nolvadex then at low dose
    Well I started with 800mg because that's what I was told, but decided I didn't want to run that high , so I dropped to 560mg as of week 2. Is 1mg of arimidex eod still too much? Is . 5mg eod better? And what is an acceptable level of estrogen? My levels after 1wk were 3x the max range.
    Last edited by Madkong; 09-20-2019 at 11:04 AM.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Madkong View Post
    Well I started with 800mg because that's what I was told, but decided I didn't want to run that high , so I dropped to 560mg as of week 2. Is 1mg of arimidex eod still too much? Is . 5mg eod better?
    well theres absolutely nothing wrong with 800mg of test per week .. heck I've run 2000mg a week (but I want high estrogen on most my cycles)

    my point is simply, IF you do not want high e2, then you should NOT be running test only cycles in the first place. lots of other options and compounds to run

  5. #5
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    and I think that pretty much any dose of AI is generally too high . I rarely ever recommend the use of an AI . especially 1mg arimidex (thats way too high)

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    give this thread a read . it may help

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    give this thread a read . it may help
    I read so many posts about using ai with test cycles, tons, so that's what I went off of. I'll read that post thanks for the link. And all the info, I'm no pro, clearly, so advice is always welcome!

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    Quote Originally Posted by Madkong View Post
    I read so many posts about using ai with test cycles, tons, so that's what I went off of. I'll read that post thanks for the link. And all the info, I'm no pro, clearly, so advice is always welcome!
    the over use and abuse of AI's is popular online (drug dealers make high profit margins on them and so do TRT docs) . however real world bodybuilding, not so much..

    plenty of guys have stopped using AI's and noticed lots of benefits and much better gains (just like the old school guys that didn't have AI's to begin with)

    another possible beneficial thread

  9. #9
    So am I correct then, in assuming that when guys talk about being estrogen sensitive, it's not the elevated levels they are referring to, rather it's the effect that the elevated estrogen has on their body?
    So it's not the e2 levels that matter so much as the actual side effects of said e2?

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Madkong View Post
    So am I correct then, in assuming that when guys talk about being estrogen sensitive, it's not the elevated levels they are referring to, rather it's the effect that the elevated estrogen has on their body?
    So it's not the e2 levels that matter so much as the actual side effects of said e2?
    yes . when you take high amounts of androgens your estrogen is SUPPOSED to go up. in fact you want high blood serum levels of estrogen when androgens are elevated (this helps muscle growth via various mechanisms of action) . when androgen levels are low, but estrogen is high, thats when estrogen can cause the most problems. but if your injecting a shit ton of androgens into your body its totally fine for E levels to elevate.

    some guys are estrogen sensitive though. the high blood serum levels of E can cause side effects they are not used to. but some guys adapt over time. 10 years ago 500mg of test would make me moon faced and bloated and I thought I should take an AI . over the years though I've adapted and I can take 2000mg of test per week and not get those side effects and not take an AI either .

    side note - when cattle are bulked up and ranchers inject them with a bunch of androgens (like tren) to help them grow they also inject them with a crap ton of estrogen at the same time. the elevation of both hormones is beneficial for muscle growth . elevating just androgens but then lowering estrogen with an AI at the same time is counter productive for muscle building

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Madkong View Post
    I'm on week 3 of sust 400, 800mg first week then dropped to 560mg/wk. Got blood work after week 1 and saw VERY elevated e2 so I immediately started on arimidex 1mg/day for a week. My intent was to drop to .5 - 1mg eod, but today, my first day without arimidex dose, my nipples are very sensitive, almost feels rashed, but no puffiness, no lumps, nothing else. What should I do from here?
    Go with nolva .
    Adex only if u have terrible bloats or wanna cut up water weight , use it on smaller doses , 1mg will just crush u in no time if u take it daily

  12. #12
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    Some people go as far as taking birth control pills for the extra estrogen. Not suggesting that you should, just saying that is a real thing.

  13. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by i_SLAM_cougars View Post
    Some people go as far as taking birth control pills for the extra estrogen. Not suggesting that you should, just saying that is a real thing.
    Wow is that really a thing

  14. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by i_SLAM_cougars View Post
    Some people go as far as taking birth control pills for the extra estrogen. Not suggesting that you should, just saying that is a real thing.
    Holy crap really?! That's gangsta... In bodybuilding form. I'll ease up off the adex a lot and just see what happens then, I still don't want to go nuts with estrogen, I'm not that hardcore.
    I'll go down to 1mg/wk and reassess from there.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dgs59 View Post
    Wow is that really a thing
    yes.. its actually popular to do with SARMs cycles as well . SARMs do not convert to estrogen. they want the anabolic but low androgenic and low DHT effects from the SARMs, but they also want to get estrogen levels elevated. so instead of taking Test with the SARMs, which is androgenic and will convert to DHT, they will take birth control pills for the estrogen.

    me personally , I just pop some Dbol when I want more estrogen load in a cycle . I don't necessarily run Dbol as a 'cycle' per se , sometimes just run 20mg a day to add some estrogen load is all.
    did this on my last cruise . I cruised with NO testosterone. being I wasn't taking test I still needed some estrogen so just took 10mg dbol per day.
    I used low dose tren as my androgen, Eq as my anabolic, and dbol as my estrogen .. this covered all my needs and didn't have to run test at all

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    yes.. its actually popular to do with SARMs cycles as well . SARMs do not convert to estrogen. they want the anabolic but low androgenic and low DHT effects from the SARMs, but they also want to get estrogen levels elevated. so instead of taking Test with the SARMs, which is androgenic and will convert to DHT, they will take birth control pills for the estrogen.

    me personally , I just pop some Dbol when I want more estrogen load in a cycle . I don't necessarily run Dbol as a 'cycle' per se , sometimes just run 20mg a day to add some estrogen load is all.
    did this on my last cruise . I cruised with NO testosterone. being I wasn't taking test I still needed some estrogen so just took 10mg dbol per day.
    I used low dose tren as my androgen, Eq as my anabolic, and dbol as my estrogen .. this covered all my needs and didn't have to run test at all
    Do mind sharing how you’ve obtained all this knowledge? How do you come up with these “mad scientist” type experiments to try on yourself?

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wannabhuge14 View Post
    Do mind sharing how you’ve obtained all this knowledge? How do you come up with these “mad scientist” type experiments to try on yourself?
    its my full time job. I own a gym and I coach clients. thats what I do thats all I do
    I have not watched TV in 5 years, heck I have not taken my wife out to dinner in 3 years, I spend the majority of my spare time doing research . I read medical journals. I study veterinary medicine. I study every exercise science book or article I can.
    IF I happen to be kicking back on the patio relaxing and drinking a beer, I'm doing it while listening to a lecture .

    I've got hundreds of articles and information saved on bodybuilding and AAS . I've got journals written from the early 1990s on AAS usage.. again I consider research as part of my job.

    and of course, I experiment a lot on myself just because I don't feel comfortable instructing clients to run certain things or drug stacks that I've not done myself.

    note - and I've also hired coaches and mentors over the years the I've learned from and been in contact with people much more educated then myself
    Last edited by GearHeaded; 09-21-2019 at 12:44 PM.

  18. #18
    Quote Originally Posted by Wannabhuge14 View Post
    Do mind sharing how you’ve obtained all this knowledge? How do you come up with these “mad scientist” type experiments to try on yourself?

    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    its my full time job. I own a gym and I coach clients. thats what I do thats all I do
    I have not watched TV in 5 years, heck I have not taken my wife out to dinner in 3 years, I spend the majority of my spare time doing research . I read medical journals. I study veterinary medicine. I study every exercise science book or article I can.
    IF I happen to be kicking back on the patio relaxing and drinking a beer, I'm doing it while listening to a lecture .

    I've got hundreds of articles and information saved on bodybuilding and AAS . I've got journals written from the early 1990s on AAS usage.. again I consider research as part of my job.

    and of course, I experiment a lot on myself just because I don't feel comfortable instructing clients to run certain things or drug stacks that I've not done myself.

    note - and I've also hired coaches and mentors over the years the I've learned from and been in contact with people much more educated then myself
    You have built up so much respect in my heart in a very short time keep it up man

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