its my full time job. I own a gym and I coach clients. thats what I do thats all I do
I have not watched TV in 5 years, heck I have not taken my wife out to dinner in 3 years, I spend the majority of my spare time doing research . I read medical journals. I study veterinary medicine. I study every exercise science book or article I can.
IF I happen to be kicking back on the patio relaxing and drinking a beer, I'm doing it while listening to a lecture .
I've got hundreds of articles and information saved on bodybuilding and AAS . I've got journals written from the early 1990s on AAS usage.. again I consider research as part of my job.
and of course, I experiment a lot on myself just because I don't feel comfortable instructing clients to run certain things or drug stacks that I've not done myself.
note - and I've also hired coaches and mentors over the years the I've learned from and been in contact with people much more educated then myself