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Thread: Total cost of a Test E cycle?

  1. #1

    Total cost of a Test E cycle?

    What are the total costs of the:

    Test E-
    PCT meds-

    Wondering the total breakdown, thanks.

  2. #2
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    a couple of bottles of test will cost you $70. syringes around 20$

    thats it . your done .

    sure add the PCT drugs in if thats your plan, add the HCG in , fuck the AI (that will cost you a pretty penny).. but all those things are whats going to cost you and cost you 3x the amount of your entire cycle (Nolva isn't that pricey though)

  3. #3
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    a weeks worth of food is going to cost you more then the AAS

  4. #4
    If you worry about the cost, never come live in Australia if you going to buy local

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    a couple of bottles of test will cost you $70. syringes around 20$

    thats it . your done .

    sure add the PCT drugs in if thats your plan, add the HCG in , fuck the AI (that will cost you a pretty penny).. but all those things are whats going to cost you and cost you 3x the amount of your entire cycle (Nolva isn't that pricey though)
    Why F the AI? On the recommended cycle post on here it says def have an AI.

    Running test without the rest sounds like a recipe for tits and other side effects.

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    a weeks worth of food is going to cost you more then the AAS
    I'm not worried about the cost of food. I eat a lot of legumes and grains and nuts which are cheap and very calorically dense.

    I'm just wondering if a cycle is going to set me back like $300, or like $1500

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheGypsyKing View Post
    I'm not worried about the cost of food. I eat a lot of legumes and grains and nuts which are cheap and very calorically dense.

    I'm just wondering if a cycle is going to set me back like $300, or like $1500
    Not even $200 for a test only cycle, assuming you don’t get stupid with doses or duration.

  8. #8
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    Test cycle - hundred bucks

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by TheGypsyKing View Post
    Why F the AI? On the recommended cycle post on here it says def have an AI.

    Running test without the rest sounds like a recipe for tits and other side effects.
    you just don't need it. Here's a thread about it from a few days ago.

    Quote Originally Posted by TheGypsyKing View Post
    I'm not worried about the cost of food. I eat a lot of legumes and grains and nuts which are cheap and very calorically dense.

    I'm just wondering if a cycle is going to set me back like $300, or like $1500
    Can easily be done for $200 that's plenty of test, pct, and syringes.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheGypsyKing View Post
    I'm not worried about the cost of food. I eat a lot of legumes and grains and nuts
    then I'd forget the test only cycle . your not getting shit out of it with a diet like that anyhow

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by TheGypsyKing View Post
    I'm not worried about the cost of food. I eat a lot of legumes and grains and nuts which are cheap and very calorically dense.

    I'm just wondering if a cycle is going to set me back like $300, or like $1500
    Where are the meat and potatoes?

    Gear is the cheapest thing in this industry. Food and hgh will rob you.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kyle1337 View Post
    Where are the meat and potatoes?

    Gear is the cheapest thing in this industry. Food and hgh will rob you.
    yeah but he just eats beans and grains . that way he could afford to run a 1500$ test only cycle if need be

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheGypsyKing View Post
    I'm not worried about the cost of food. I eat a lot of legumes and grains and nuts which are cheap and very calorically dense.

    I'm just wondering if a cycle is going to set me back like $300, or like $1500
    Have you priced lean ground beef/steak lately? Fuck, even chicken is sky fucking through the roof here. Much more cost efficient to buy chicken and eggs in bulk. Rice also is cheap as fuck. The beef seems to be the highest price of the three major meats.

    As for the testosterone it wont be that much ...I personally dont use an AI anymore i will run masteron or if things get real bad which they rarely do with mast i might take some nolvadex ...the less shit i have to put in my body the better off my body is thats just how i feel.

    Id say your cycle would be 300 or less down to the alcohol swaps and syringes.
    Is this your first cycle? If so id run test e/c for 12-14 weeks around 600mg pin 2x week
    If you develop water retention or puffyness in the nipps, run nolva 10mg ed and/or mast p 50 mg eod or mast e 100mg with your test e/c injections.
    In short, the cost of your cycle itself would not be much concern...quality rest/food along with an intense (if you have built up to that hopefully you have) workout regime. Good luck

  14. #14
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    Lol. If you can't afford the gear, you can't afford the food needed to grow.

  15. #15
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    With ANY cycle you do, food should cost WAY more than the cycle. With a test only cycle, the gear should be a drop in the bucket. Nolva, pct drugs, and HCG will probably cost more than the gear itself. And whatever you need to help with BP and acne. All of that combined will still cost probably less than a couple weeks worth of food

  16. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    yeah but he just eats beans and grains . that way he could afford to run a 1500$ test only cycle if need be
    They're cheap as hell, so yup!

  17. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by Kyle1337 View Post
    Where are the meat and potatoes?

    Gear is the cheapest thing in this industry. Food and hgh will rob you.
    Potatoes aren't better than rice or lentils or beans. They're actually less dense in vitamins and minerals. Tons of protein in legumes.

  18. #18
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    Total cost of a Test E cycle?

    Quote Originally Posted by TheGypsyKing View Post
    Potatoes aren't better than rice or lentils or beans. They're actually less dense in vitamins and minerals. Tons of protein in legumes.
    Hard to ascertain seriousness.
    Rice > potatoes
    Legumes = tons of protein

    What do you weigh? What are your goals if you cycle? Everyone here explaining real food (meat, ideally red) is what it takes for real growth.

    Not a slam to OP but I’m starting to think all this mass marketing vegan tofu impossible burger crap is beginning to twist people.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    Last edited by balance; 12-13-2019 at 05:33 PM.

  19. #19
    Quote Originally Posted by Hard.On View Post
    Lol. If you can't afford the gear, you can't afford the food needed to grow.
    Where did I say I can't afford the gear, genius? I asked the price?

    "Hi, how much is the gatorade?"
    "OMG! This guy is asking the price of the gatorade and he thinks he's going to be able to fill up his tank with gas, LOLOL"

    Good logic, sherlock.

  20. #20
    Quote Originally Posted by balance View Post
    Hard to ascertain seriousness.
    Rice > potatoes lol
    What do you weigh? What are your goals if you cycle? Everyone here explaining real food (meat, ideally red) is what it takes for real growth.

    Not a slam to OP but I’m starting to think all this mass marketing vegan tofu impossible burger crap is beginning to twist people.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    I know loads of super yolked people who eat no red meat. I don't know why you think it takes saturated fat to build muscle. Protein is the important component, and red meat is nowhere near the highest level of protein per lb. And iron can be had from many sources.

    Potatoes? Seriously? 100g of baked potato has 93 calories and 2.5g of protein, 100g of brown rice has 111 calories. 100g of lentils has 116 calories, and 18g protein, 36% of daily iron. Sooo...

  21. #21
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    the protein in Legumes are incomplete proteins.. beans also contain anti nutrients. your not even absorbing the protein in your beans Sherlock
    most people don't even count protein in beans cause of this. if I send a client a diet that has 300g of Protein factored in, ALL 300g of that is coming from meat or eggs or whey or casein (ie, animal products) . if he adds beans into one meal and counts that as carbs and fiber, then thats fine. but he is not counting the protein.

    also . saturated fats with protein from animal meats are the building blocks of cells and hormones. also why fats make up the majority of calories in female breast milk. cause thats helping provide the essentials for the infant to grow.

    complete proteins and saturated fats are essential

    this is why if all you ate was red meat only , you would likely thrive and grow. but if all you had was beans you would likely shrivel up and die

    - having said that. I like to add some legumes into my diet on occasion. as a carb, fiber, and micro nutrient source WITH meat. not by itself and I don't count the protein

  22. #22
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    as for potato . super beneficial and much better then rice in regards to overall nutrition and micro nutrients. your crazy to say they are not dense in nutrition..

    heres whats in a potato
    Vitamin B1, B2, B3, B6,
    Vitamin c
    Vitamin k
    amino acids

    I'm sure I'm forgetting a few things

    beans are very micro nutrient dense as well . but a steak and potato is going to provide you with pretty much most of all you would need from your nutrition

  23. #23
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    in comparison , a serving of rice has 50mg of potassium in it while a serving of potato has 950mg of potassium . big difference

  24. #24
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    switching from eating beans as your protein source , over to eating 3 pounds of steak per day and 1 pound of potatoes is likely going to illicit far more gains then running 300mg of test (especially if your running an AI with it)

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheGypsyKing View Post
    Why F the AI? On the recommended cycle post on here it says def have an AI.

    Running test without the rest sounds like a recipe for tits and other side effects.
    running an AI from day one of your first cycle is whats causes most people side effects. not the test itself.. the recommended first cycle thread needs to be updated based on newer research and understanding.

    95% of the time AI's are un necessary and not needed at all or again can cause the most side effects . lowering Estrogen levels to near zero cause you took an AI from day one of your cycle, before your long ester test is kicking in is going to totally ruin your entire cycle.
    your body wasn't designed to have estrogen levels plummet at the same time androgen levels are increasing

    the whole reason your taking Test in your cycle (and not going with other AAS) is because you want the estrogen in the first place. thats one of its primary functions. taking an AI is defeating the purpose of taking test in the first place. especially in the context of a 'test only' cycle .
    if you don't want the estrogen then don't run test only cycles. theres about 20 other things you can run that don't convert to E

  26. #26
    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    the protein in Legumes are incomplete proteins.. beans also contain anti nutrients. your not even absorbing the protein in your beans Sherlock
    most people don't even count protein in beans cause of this. if I send a client a diet that has 300g of Protein factored in, ALL 300g of that is coming from meat or eggs or whey or casein (ie, animal products) . if he adds beans into one meal and counts that as carbs and fiber, then thats fine. but he is not counting the protein.

    also . saturated fats with protein from animal meats are the building blocks of cells and hormones. also why fats make up the majority of calories in female breast milk. cause thats helping provide the essentials for the infant to grow.

    complete proteins and saturated fats are essential

    this is why if all you ate was red meat only , you would likely thrive and grow. but if all you had was beans you would likely shrivel up and die

    - having said that. I like to add some legumes into my diet on occasion. as a carb, fiber, and micro nutrient source WITH meat. not by itself and I don't count the protein

    The "incomplete" protein is a total myth, and it came from a woman who has since admitted many times she was wrong and was basing the requirements for amino acids based off an egg because they thought it must be the gold standard, as it was a whole being.

    Again, you aren't up to par when knowing the ramifications or of an anti-nutrient.

    300g of protein is horrible for you. Even ARNOLD said MAX 1g of protein per lb of bodyweight for bodybuilders. LOL. Saturated fats are absolutely not essential. That's pure bro-science. You clearly haven't studied this. Go to your local cardiologist for a check on that one.

    Of course breast milk contains lots of fat, it's calorically the most dense thing there is. We also don't consume breast milk past infancy, genius. It's a tiny stage of our lives meant to get us growing and fed lots of calories and anti-microbial and immune defense properties.

    If what you were saying made ANY sense, then Tony Gonzalez wouldn't have been able to put up crazy numbers, let alone walk for the final years of his career when he went vegan, Timothy Bradley wouldn't have world class abs and endurance, much less be alive. David Haye wouldn't be knocking people out on a vegan diet like he did.

    This is the problem with these forums. Bro science. Uninformed people telling other people about things that are very serious, and they have no clue what they're talking about.

  27. #27
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    ^ ugh . now we got Vegans joining the community guys .

    you have no clue what your talking about. your the one thats pointing a finger at me yet you have 4 more pointing back at yourself. your the one thats an un informed "bro science" guy , but even then heck your probably not even a bro . lets see what you look like "bro".

    you also don't know me so don't assume I'm "bro science" just cause I'm not an un informed vegan like you . I've been in sports nutrition to some capacity or another for 25 years. I do this for a living, its my job. writing diets for people that pay me and studying nutrition is an every day occurrence for me.

    what do you do for a living ?

  28. #28
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    btw, you might find this an entertaining read

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheGypsyKing View Post
    This is the problem with these forums. Bro science. Uninformed people telling other people about things that are very serious, and they have no clue what they're talking about.
    The irony of this reply is too much. Sounds like someone has been watching too much Vegan Gains.

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by IronLiver View Post
    The irony of this reply is too much. Sounds like someone has been watching too much Vegan Gains.
    precisely !

  31. #31
    Is there not a Q&A before joining these forums? If they answer to “yes I’m a Vegan” then it should redirect them to being unable to join. Smh.. so sad

  32. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    the protein in Legumes are incomplete proteins..
    Which amino acid is missing from legumes?

  33. #33
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    Missing amino acids isn't the issue with legumes, it's the amount of anti-nutrients that's the problem. These anti-nutrients are only partially reduced by soaking, boiling, and sprouting but not 100% neutralized. This is why legumes are not fed to animals... But they expect you to eat it.

    Here are just a few of the anti-nutrients present in legumes:

    Phytic acid - Reduces digestibility of proteins and fats

    Lectins - Causes leaky gut

    Saponins - disturbs digestive enzymes

    Oligosaccharides - makes you fart

    Tannins - Not good for the liver

    Trypsin inhibitor - Growth inhibition and pancreatitis.

    Alpha-amylase inhibitor - Dysbiosis (candidiasis)

    Many of these anti-nutrients are also found in nuts, beans, vegetables and grains.

    Dog Food With Legumes Tied to Pet Heart Disease, FDA Says

  34. #34
    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    in comparison , a serving of rice has 50mg of potassium in it while a serving of potato has 950mg of potassium . big difference
    Wow, one mineral, great, want me to find a mineral rice has more of? Christ your obsession with potatoes is pathetic. Meanwhile you're trying to tell me how anti-nutrients are horrible and yet potatoes have loads of anti-nutrients.

  35. #35
    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    ^ ugh . now we got Vegans joining the community guys .

    you have no clue what your talking about. your the one thats pointing a finger at me yet you have 4 more pointing back at yourself. your the one thats an un informed "bro science" guy , but even then heck your probably not even a bro . lets see what you look like "bro".

    you also don't know me so don't assume I'm "bro science" just cause I'm not an un informed vegan like you . I've been in sports nutrition to some capacity or another for 25 years. I do this for a living, its my job. writing diets for people that pay me and studying nutrition is an every day occurrence for me.

    what do you do for a living ?
    and donald trump ran a real estate biz for 25 years. Lost way more money than he made, but he did it. Just because you do something, doesn't mean you do it well.

  36. #36
    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    as for potato . super beneficial and much better then rice in regards to overall nutrition and micro nutrients. your crazy to say they are not dense in nutrition..

    heres whats in a potato
    Vitamin B1, B2, B3, B6,
    Vitamin c
    Vitamin k
    amino acids

    I'm sure I'm forgetting a few things

    beans are very micro nutrient dense as well . but a steak and potato is going to provide you with pretty much most of all you would need from your nutrition
    "Potatoes contain antinutrients like protein trypsin inhibitor and lectins, which can interfere with your body's digestion and absorption of nutrients"


  37. #37
    Quote Originally Posted by IronLiver View Post
    Missing amino acids isn't the issue with legumes, it's the amount of anti-nutrients that's the problem. These anti-nutrients are only partially reduced by soaking, boiling, and sprouting but not 100% neutralized. This is why legumes are not fed to animals... But they expect you to eat it.

    Here are just a few of the anti-nutrients present in legumes:

    Phytic acid - Reduces digestibility of proteins and fats

    Lectins - Causes leaky gut

    Saponins - disturbs digestive enzymes

    Oligosaccharides - makes you fart

    Tannins - Not good for the liver

    Trypsin inhibitor - Growth inhibition and pancreatitis.

    Alpha-amylase inhibitor - Dysbiosis (candidiasis)

    Many of these anti-nutrients are also found in nuts, beans, vegetables and grains.

    Dog Food With Legumes Tied to Pet Heart Disease, FDA Says

    And you went to Harvard right?

  38. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheGypsyKing View Post
    So I am the ultimate skinny guy. Been hearing it my whole damn life, and unfortunately I'm not some awesomely geeky gamer type, I'm a jock type, so I've always been self-conscious as hell about being 80% of everyone else's size.

    I work out pretty hard (though injuries in recent years have hindered that) and eat like an elephant. It's just my mother's skinny genetics.

    maybe try eating meat and you wouldn't be the ultimate ectomorph skinny guy and 80% smaller then everyone else at 30 years old

    just an idea

    clearly your nutrition ideas don't work for yourself . look in the mirror. yet your coming in here picking shit with people
    Last edited by GearHeaded; 12-13-2019 at 09:38 PM.

  39. #39
    He refuses to listen so idk why any of us bother with this plant based moron

  40. #40
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    I wonder if a proper nutrition plan, anabolics and insulin would work? It's too bad there's nobody on the forum that's informed enough to help...

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