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  1. #1
    SuperVegeta is online now Junior Member
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    Thumbs up Need PCT advice after becoming a near vegetable (bus accident) HELP!!

    Hi all, long story short, was basically done with my 17 week steroid cycle, got hit by a bus. Erm, can't really move much, just walking with crutches in excruciating pain. No gym, but can do assisted machines/resistance bands a little

    I finished a 17 week cycle (16.5ish), was supposed to blast and cruise, but now the gym isn't really on the agenda anymore, no choice but to PCT. But ofcourse I want to keep my muscles since I won't be building any thanks to my injuries. (I have forced myself to do bullcrap exercises in the past week to maintain my muscle and will continue training.) Aim was to pack on size (was bulking), gained 7kg, lost a lot of fat as towards the end I was doing an aggressive cut. (Still cutting right now.)

    Anyways. Here was my cycle:
    Week 1 - 17 = Hcg 250iu/Week.
    Week 1 - 17 = Arimidex 0.25mg EOD.
    Week 1 - 2 = Test E FRONTLOAD 1G/WEEK.
    Week 2 - 5 = Test E 525mg/Week.
    Week 5 - 8 = Test E 157.5mg/Week.
    Week 4 - 8 = Anadrol 50mg/ED.
    Week 2 - 5 = NPP 402.5mg/Week.
    Week 2 - 8 = Masteron E 402.5mg/Week. (I did double dose/frontload the first 2 doses.)
    Week 5 - 17 = Tren A 402.5mg/Week.
    Week 8 - 17 = Mast P 402.5mg/Week.
    Week 8 - 17 = Test P 140mg/Week.

    At week 13 I did a 11 day DNP cut while on cycle. 200mg first 4 days. 400mg until day 11. Lost like 4kg.

    Overall cycle was good. PRs went up, net gain (including cut towards end) was +7kg. Squat 280kg × 4 ~ 300kg × 4. Bench Press 180kg × 5 ~ 195kg × 8. I look super ripped, maybe 11% bf 90kg. Still ultra bloated, still hasn't gone yet??

    Troubles/side effects on cycle: None. 0 issues. 0 acne, basically a dream cycle. Nipples got bumps under them but in the past week they have felt better since stopping the cycle. They are still there though. Boner/drive is 0 though my loads are decent. My face throughout the cycle was bloated, a lot, looked so terrible. Gut felt full of water despite being lean. Hence why I tinkered with the esters yet it did nothing, eh, trial and error. Towards the end I had it in mind to switch to fast esters so I can start a PCT sooner. (Wasn't sure of blast and cruise idea just yet.)

    Please advise me. Last pin was on 29th September (5ish days ago). My plan was just to do a high HCG dose for today and tomorrow (1000iu) (I have a lot of it left and obviously over £200+ worth of hcg will go in the trash, so how shall I best utilise it?) then start some kind of PCT? I have nolva and clomid with me. I am concerned as I know NPP/TREN have metabolites that'll suppress you for 18 months, hence why my initial plan was to blast and cruise.

    What shall I do?!

    Thanks all.
    Last edited by SuperVegeta; Yesterday at 06:07 PM.

  2. #2
    SuperVegeta is online now Junior Member
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    Bloods: Getting blood test on October 20th, so 3ish weeks away. Would've started my PCT by then, so yeah.

    I can't wait to get my bloods as honestly right now (even the weeks before the accident) I've felt really tired/lethargic. Especially after the DNP .

    Also, in February I did an EC stack cut. I swear that messed me up permanently. Aggressive cut, lost 5kg in 4 weeks. Since then my libido reached near 0 and I've had like 0 energy since then. Hopping on steroids didn't really change that. However I did hop on eclomiphene (post LGD) over a month later that helped my libido a small amount. Testicles grew a lot. Any ideas? I thought EC stacks were supposed to be mild, what could it have done to me? I haven't felt the same since. My normal life has me consuming 0 caffeine anyways, so stopping it cold at the time may have done something to me? I don't know. Anything to look out for in my blood test with this in mind? If there's anything else to check out?

    Also during that last cut, I was eating so little, maybe a 1800+ calorie deficit. Strength went up, cut felt too aggressive as I barely lost 0.3kg/week, if that, should've been like 1.5kg/week like it was in February. I don't know, just some thoughts of what I thought was weird on cycle, was I recomping, holding extra water, etc etc. I've read there are thyroid issues linked with metabolism issues. Thoughts?

    Man, I am scared. Blasting and cruising was supposed to be my ticket out of this, but maybe this is a good thing with the insane tiredness going on.
    Last edited by SuperVegeta; Yesterday at 06:00 PM.

  3. #3
    Cuz's Avatar
    Cuz is online now VET
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    No source checks
    I used to long cycles. 16-20 weeks. Then I had to get on trt. Feel shitty and tired no matter what I do now.

  4. #4
    SuperVegeta is online now Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cuz View Post
    I used to long cycles. 16-20 weeks. Then I had to get on trt. Feel shitty and tired no matter what I do now.
    Yeah but as long as I use ny bloods as a criteria/checklist for what needs to be restored to normal values, it should be alright in time right? I'm guessing with you, you've probably been happy to hop on trt as a way out, except that's fine as you still lift properly. Would you rather do the whole steroid routine the PCT way instead of the trt/pinning 24/7 way?

    What's your advice on a PCT? I can't hop on trt, just pointless with my injuries.

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