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help on a cycle PROP EQ VAR

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by , 05-25-2012 at 01:34 AM (540 Views)
hey guys 1st post 3rd cycle
height 181
weight 76
bf% 13
muay thai fighter

just wanted everyones opinion on my 3rd cycle. cutting cycle. should i up the prop or should i up the EQ


proponaite.. week 1-12 100mg eod 500mg a week
equipoise .. week 1-11 150mg eod 525mg a week
anavar .. week 7-12 80mg ed

clean eating 350mg protein per day. not possible for me to find hcg. only nolvadex on hand for pct. possible to get proviron. should i run it throughout even tho there is another oral in there, and if so what would i run it at. trying to maximise my libido somehow after cycle.

1st cycle was sus250 and deca, 2nd cycle prop and var. saw good results from both.

Updated 05-25-2012 at 01:37 AM by 0423madison87



  1. 0423madison87's Avatar
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    sorry got the prop and eq week mg wrong