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Cypionate cycle-first timer ever

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by , 04-25-2011 at 11:32 AM (914 Views)
Hello everyone I am a recent convert to testosterone. My buddy hooked me up with black dragon labs cypionate. I was doing some research and I can't find any feedback. Can anyone help?


  1. Lemonada8's Avatar
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    personally i would never do cyp for a cycle, I do prop only cycles because they are ED shots but fast acting, and minimal side effects. Cyp is like 1x week, thats for more of TRT useage for minimal shots lifetime. But if you are doing a burst cycle then back to normal (hopefully :P ) then look at short esters, better blood levels, less sides, faster kick in, etc.

    but for a cyp cycle, 1x 500mg week is good spot for beginner for 15 weeks. Then wait 18 days then start PCT of nolva. ALso during cycle run some HCG to help keep your hpta on 'idle'.

    FInally DO RESEARCH for yourself and figure out what i sugggested above. PM/ICQ me for any questions :P

    good luck play safe!

    good, test only is a good first cycle i just diasgree with your choice of ester :P...
  2. Lemonada8's Avatar
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    personally i would never do cyp for a cycle, I do prop only cycles because they are ED shots but fast acting, and minimal side effects. Cyp is like 1x week, thats for more of TRT useage for minimal shots lifetime. But if you are doing a burst cycle then back to normal (hopefully :P ) then look at short esters, better blood levels, less sides, faster kick in, etc.

    but for a cyp cycle, 1x 500mg week is good spot for beginner for 15 weeks. Then wait 18 days then start PCT of nolva. ALso during cycle run some HCG to help keep your hpta on 'idle'.

    FInally DO RESEARCH for yourself and figure out what i sugggested above. PM/ICQ me for any questions :P

    good luck play safe!

    good, test only is a good first cycle i just diasgree with your choice of ester :P...