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First Cycle?

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by , 06-04-2012 at 08:23 PM (365 Views)
hi, my name is alex, I just bought a bottle of anadrol and that's all I have, would be possible to do a starter cycle of that? I have never taken steroids before and want to start! I would like to start with a capsole cycle the move up to an injection cycle, all I have is the anadrol! let me know what you think!


  1. DocNewman's Avatar
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    If you google any product, you will find legit info on how and how much to take. I'm sure someone has more info but I've not had enough experience to tell you more.
  2. rampaige77's Avatar
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    my 1st cycle was british dragon anadrol-50 i took 1 everyday 5 days a week on the days i worked out (ah those were the days) 1 A-50 a day was more than enuff i lost 12 lbs but put 45 lbs on my bench and an inch on my arms
  3. rampaige77's Avatar
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    i shoulda asked you how old you are though because you start gear at a young age you could really screw yourself in the longrun