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Steroids for pitchers

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by , 12-14-2011 at 12:40 PM (579 Views)
I am a college pitcher with testing thats not an issue. I am a 6'2" 186lbs right handed pitcher with my fastball from 86-90. I have little to any body fat and gaining weight is a major issue for me. I took a 10 week cycle of synthetic testosterone last fall and that was the hardest I have ever thrown at 93. Ever since then i cannot get close to that velo. I was not informed to take any anti-estrogen or anything after my cycle. Is there something that I should take to make sure that everything in my body is functioning healthy? I.E. for genital region as my testis are still at a smaller size. I also want to know what would be good for me to take to increase both strength and size in my legs. I seemed to put all my strength and weight in my upper body. I also go through extraneous workouts to the extent of puking. What would be something good for me to take to increase velo and size in my legs while being able to dominate our team workouts and remain healthy for a pitcher??


  1. cmll620's Avatar
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    For starters you need to EAT EAT EAT. all the supplements in the world aren't going to get you that much bigger if your nutrition isn't surpassing the amount of calories you're burning during baseball training. If you believe you are already eating enough than disregard this. Someone with your height, weight and low body fat will greatly benefit from increase in calories and high protein diet.
    Squat away! Square helped me overtime dominate my lower body strength. Deadlifts help too if your don't have lower back issues.
    Protein shake when you wake up, before bed, pre and post workout. Throw in dreariness for size and then id think about cycling again.
  2. cmll620's Avatar
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    Sorry man didn't realize how outdated your post was. Curious though, hows your weight now? Start any new cycles?