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by , 05-06-2011 at 02:53 PM (728 Views)
Lol whats up guys

So ive been liftin for a long time now on and off more on 2008 too 2009 then a lil more off 2010 and now more on 2011 alot more on i got some pretty sick gear. perfect for an ectomorph-

my current stats are 6'3 175 im 25. i have cyp and dec ive been using it for about a month now when i started i was 165 but i only gained 10 pounds more noticed in my arms but nothing like damn this guy is jacked i wanna get to that damn this guy is jacked point take protien but not often its expensive i just eat alot of peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. I feel i could be getting bigger i have 250ml dec 250ml tst cyp and just bought more before ending this one how should i do this?

i can also post pics

anyway appreciate any advice
