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back to the gym

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by , 10-29-2010 at 10:06 AM (681 Views)
Hey bros

It's time for me to go back to the gym.Im 41 and over the past 2 years have put on 40 lbs of fat. Ive been lifting but not eating right.So now Im gong to eat right and do some Winnie. any suggestions on dosing? I have 50 mg per cc. 30 cc worth . my question is what about cardio, I dont want to burn muscle plus I hate cardio.Do i have to eat totally clean or will the winne take care of burning the fat by it self? I would like to only take the winne 2 times per week per the pain of the injections. I have a god back ground in weight lifting and diet but not about the juice.Please any ideas would be greatly appreciated.


  1. bigwrench's Avatar
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    great job on getting yourself back to the gym! personally i dont think 50mg 2x a week is enough for anything.... 50mg ed would be the minimum id say and if its too "painful" for you then you probably shouldnt be doing it! lol. you would def have to be eating as clean as you want to feel/look as the winnie isnt even gonna scratch the surface of that 40lbs... i would suggest sticking to your clean diet with as much cardio as you can and save the winnie till u actually have enough too help will be beneficial for minor muscle gain which will in turn need more fuel so u will be burning more calories that way. happy training!!!