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First cycle

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by , 11-13-2012 at 08:40 PM (406 Views)
Hello forum, I'm a 43 yoa male, I've been working out for a year and have made huge gains in way of getting into shape, I'm about to start my first cycle and started researching a couple months ago, I have gone to my doctor and obtained a blood test, and the results were excellent except for my test level which came back low 207. I am considering stacking Sustanon, Equipose, and Deca. I have recently realized that Deca and Equipose have some of the same characteristics should I scratch the Equipose for Tren or the Deca. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


  1. BCDude's Avatar
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    For my first post on this site, here is my 2cents -- start out with a first cycle of Test E or C only for 10 weeks or so. See how your body responds. No need to stack at this point. Also consider HRT (I've been on for 3 yrs)