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Test Enanthate + Dianabol 12 week cycle - Weekly Updates -

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by , 11-02-2010 at 03:41 AM (1142 Views)
Hey everyone,

Well, for starters, I know there's a lot of beginners on the forums, especially with stats remotely similar to mine, so I figured I'd do my best at keeping a detailed blog of my first AAS cycle. I'll be doing at least one update a week, and will also answer as best I can any questions any of you might have. I'll be keeping you up to date on strength+size gains / sides / stories, etc.

Before I go any further, I reckon "WTF STATS!?" is on a lot of your guys' minds, so I'll go ahead and jump into that.

- 22 years old
- 6'0 - 195 lbs - 12% BF
- Training for 5 years (4+ days a week), in addition to playing in many sports leagues (volleyball, soccer, basketball, floor hockey)
- No previous cycle experience
- Only really got my diet in check the past couple of years. I won't lie to you all and say my day consists of tuna, chicken breasts and brown rice, but I do stay away from any sorts of junk food (chips, candy, chocolate, etc), fast food, frozen meals, so on and so forth.

The next thing that might come to a lot of people's minds is "You're only 22, your endocrine system is still producing a lot of natural test, you're nowhere near your natural potential!"

To address this simply and give you a little bit of background, I graduated being 5'11 and 175lbs. I was quite disciplined when it came to training throughout high school, and regardless of what I ate, never missing meals, I could never put on weight. Essentially, I'm what people call a "hard-gainer". After countless tub's and tub's of Muscle Juice and other various weight gainers, I've only been able to see results the last couple years after focusing on my diet in other areas and cleaning it up. Although I feel I haven't FULLY reached my natural potential, I believe I'm quite close to it. My dad at my age was 6'0 - 180lbs and very lean, and being the middle aged brother in my family, I definitely stick out when it comes to size.

So all that being said, after being at 195lbs for the past year, even after changing my diet, my workout routines, etc, I'm slightly losing motivation at the gym when the reflection in the mirror everyday doesn't seem to change. I won't go on any further for now, but if anyone has questions about what I've done for dieting / workout routines, etc, feel free to let me know and I'll answer those. I even gave a shot with a personal trainer earlier this year for a couple months, but after following every word of advice for 8 weeks and not seeing any development, I lost hope in those personal trainers who walk around the gym expecting to have loyal customers when they are smaller / more out of shape then I am.

Ok, sorry to bore you all with that, let's get into the cycle details! I'll be running a 12 week Test Enanthate cycle, kickstarting it with 4 weeks of Dianabol. I'll have Liquidex on hand for AI, and my PCT will consist of clomid / nolvadex. Here's what my dosing looks like:

Week 1 - 12 [ Test E bi-weekly Monday + Thursday at 200mgs/shot ]
Week 1 - 04 [ Dbol spread out ED at 30/30/40/40 for weeks 1/2/3/4 ]

Liquidex on hand should sides start showing, will dose at .25 EOD if needed.

PCT ( will begin 2 weeks after last Test E shot, so essentially weeks 15 - 18)

Week 15-18 [ Nolva ED at 40/40/20/20 ]
Week 15-18 [ Clomid ED at 70/70/35/35 ]

I'll be looking at taking in about 2700-3000 calories daily, with roughly 350g of protein ( aided with protein shakes of course). I take in about 6-8 meals / snacks throughout the day, and drink 3-4L of water.

My supplements for the cycle will be the following:
- Universal Animal Pak's (has Uni-Liver + milk thistle, etc)
- Whey / Casein protein shakes
- Jack3d / Anadraulic State as preworkout
- Waxy Maize during workout
- ZMA / Fish Oil's
( In case you're wondering about BCAA's, between my preworkouts / proteins / animal pak's , I get a fairly nice BCAA profile )

I've been told over-training is a common problem during cycles, so my weekly workout regimen is as follows.

Day 1 - Chest + Biceps ( 4 + 3 workouts [ 21 sets ] )
Day 2 - Back + Triceps ( 5 + 3 workouts [ 24 sets ] )
Day 3 - Shoulders + Forearms + Traps ( 4 + 2 + 1 workouts [ 21 sets ] )
Day 4 - Legs + Core ( 5 + 3 workouts [ 24 sets ] )

I'll be doing 30 minutes of cardio ( 15 minutes before and after workout ) on these days, and if I do go a 5th / 6th day, it'll be light cardio / weights.

I'm working on getting pictures added, currently I'm just having a lot of problems trying to attach my already uploaded photo's to this post.

My cycle started today on November 1st, 2010. Just wanted to let everyone know, despite being very nervous for my first pin, I think my excitement over took it. Did it in my bedroom in my right glute. Although it was a little tough to twist and administer it myself, I almost laughed at how little pain there was, for what I had anticipated anyway. Roughly 18 hours later I'm feeling a slight knot / pain in my right glute, as I had anticipated, no swelling or nothing unbearable in the slightest bit.

Also, to give you guys an idea of where I'm starting with weights... Haven't touched my ORM's in a very long time, so I'll just give you a few exercises and what I do for weight. Nothing overly impressive, but will give you an idea in the weeks to come of the strength development I'll be making...

Barbell Benchpress - 3 x 8 with 205
Squats - 3 x 10 with 185
Deadlifts - 3 x 8 with 185

Remember, if you have any questions feel free to post them here and I'll do my best at answering them ASAP, also, I'll try to do picture updates every couple weeks if there is any noticeable gains.

Cheers everyone, and happy reading!

Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails blogs/codeegee/attachments/112034-test-enanthate-dianabol-12-week-cycle-weekly-updates-2010back.jpeg   blogs/codeegee/attachments/112033-test-enanthate-dianabol-12-week-cycle-weekly-updates-2010frontspring.jpeg   blogs/codeegee/attachments/112032-test-enanthate-dianabol-12-week-cycle-weekly-updates-2008.jpeg   blogs/codeegee/attachments/112031-test-enanthate-dianabol-12-week-cycle-weekly-updates-grade12.jpg  


  1. bbradford42's Avatar
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    Good Luck bud, I'm about to start my first cycle as well. Can't wait!