I need some advice on my cycle
, 03-05-2012 at 12:51 AM (480 Views)
I have been on since oct. 2011 I started with Tren-e 400mg per wk and sus 250 500 per week. After my cycle had ended I started doing Deca 400mg per week, EQ 600mg per wk, and Test-E 600mg per wk. I then switch the test-e out for sus at 600mg per wk for about 3wks.
I want to do a show in the summer, I am at a good size to where I can lean out, but I am concerned that I need to take some time off before I start a new cycle. For I don't want to be on TRT the rest of my life and I also want to have kids.
I started pct Feb 29: 500iu 3 times wk and clomid 100iu everyday and tapering down 25 every week.
Now that, thats out out of the way, I need some advice on this. My trainer (he is a IFBB pro) wants me to pct for 3 weeks then start up on a cutting stack after that. Do you guys feel, my test levels will be ok? or do you feel I should stay off longer. I know the saying "time on = time off" but according to him thats not necessarily true. Like I said i would like to have kids one day and I don't want to be on TRT the rest of my life. Any advice or suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks