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I need some advice on my cycle

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by , 03-05-2012 at 12:51 AM (480 Views)
I have been on since oct. 2011 I started with Tren-e 400mg per wk and sus 250 500 per week. After my cycle had ended I started doing Deca 400mg per week, EQ 600mg per wk, and Test-E 600mg per wk. I then switch the test-e out for sus at 600mg per wk for about 3wks.

I want to do a show in the summer, I am at a good size to where I can lean out, but I am concerned that I need to take some time off before I start a new cycle. For I don't want to be on TRT the rest of my life and I also want to have kids.

I started pct Feb 29: 500iu 3 times wk and clomid 100iu everyday and tapering down 25 every week.

Now that, thats out out of the way, I need some advice on this. My trainer (he is a IFBB pro) wants me to pct for 3 weeks then start up on a cutting stack after that. Do you guys feel, my test levels will be ok? or do you feel I should stay off longer. I know the saying "time on = time off" but according to him thats not necessarily true. Like I said i would like to have kids one day and I don't want to be on TRT the rest of my life. Any advice or suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks


  1. Lemonada8's Avatar
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    what is your pct? thats not ususaly in IU's...

    I hope u used HCG on cycle, and then do a full pct then WAIT is the key portion

    HCG is for on cycle not off cycle

    pct should be clomid and nolva combo. there are many stickies talking about that in the boards.
    heres a basic one tha ti suggest...

    clomid 100/50/25/25
    nolva 40/40/20/20/20/20
    thats mg ED per week .

    make sure your diet is up to par, thats where the main gains come from is using the nutrients properly and to the max that ur body can, the gear only gives it a boost. but if u put crap food in ur body u cant exceed that much... U think they put 87 octane in NASCAR cars as their fuel? hell no, they put the best stuff they can so it cna run the best. its the same with your body.

    read my blog, it has lots of key info that IMO are basics for cycling.
  2. r1905642's Avatar
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    ok thank you, is 40 mg of nova half cc? I got it from AR-R so i am not sure the dosage..