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Need some assistance!

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by , 12-28-2010 at 04:17 PM (694 Views)
I just recently started my first cycle and need some help. The people who were helping me were sadly mistaken and i have been taking way over the limit im supposed to. Im 20yrs old 5-10 188 now i was 175 when i started... i was taking injectable deca im on my eighth week but i was taking somewhere between 800mg and 1000mg a week. and on top of that i was taking d-bol 5 pills a day 50 mg a day i believe... yes im a newbee... no need to bash... just really would like some help on finishing this cycle correctly or if i should just stop now.



  1. Matt's Avatar
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    You need to stop what you are taking, now. Then once 2 weeks have passed start a pct, this would consist of nolva and clomid taken every day for 4 weeks.

    You then need to spend as much time on here as possible reading through the educational threads, what you are doing at your age is dangerous....

    If you have any more questions then ask them in the Q&A forum for a better rospnse....