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16 week Testosterone only cycle

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by , 05-23-2013 at 10:27 AM (553 Views)
Quote Originally Posted by DanC11B View Post
Day 4 - Wednesday

300mgs Test prop - 4 weeks
(Undecided)600-900mgs test e
12-16 weeks

7:00am - buttered bagel, scrambled eggs on a roll and a cup of coffee.

12:30pm - 2 chicken quesadillas (1 and 1/2 chicken breast)

4:00pm - half a chicken, 1 yuca, and a small bowl of broccoli

Took a nap from 6:00pm - 8:30 pm

8:50pm - 30 grams of whey protein

9:15pm - grilled chicken wrap. (1 chicken breast, lettuce, tomato, mayonnaise, avocado)

Update: I had 4 red bulls between 10pm-4am ;/ i couldn't help it.

I know I should weigh in after waking up in the morning but this is my first weigh in on record and I came in at 219lbs at 8:50pm. Starting tomorrow I will do it every morning.

I'm working 2 jobs with 2 different schedules, day job is from 7:00am-3:30 pm. Mon/Wed/Fri, 2nd job is 9pm-4am Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday. So it looks like I'll be doing a 4 day split on Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturday and Sunday, at least until I have more energy to go in between jobs but for now I'm using that time to take naps.

I'm noticing I'm sweating a little more than normal, not sure if its the test prop circulating in my system (test enth doesn't really make me sweat) or if its just because we're nearing the end of spring and I'm just ****ing hot! Lol.


Ive been lifting for about 5 years now and This will technically be my 3d cycle. My first was 2 1/2 years ago where I did 250mgs of test e and 500 mgs of sustanon250 for 16 weeks. During this cycle I saw huge strength and size gains, I never really monitored what I ate and I don't know what my bf% was at the time but prior to the cycle I did 1 hour of cardio daily and ate under 1,000 cals a day so I was down to 187lbs and probably 10% bf (you could see the obliques on my sides and I didn't have to flex much for my abs to be visible). I gained 33lbs in that time period. My bench was 315x10. Squat was 405lbsx10. Deadlift was 405lbsx10. I couldn't get my hands on a real pct so I pretty much looked the same or worse than when I started after it was all said and done.

I'll spare most of the details of my 2nd cycle but I started about 6 months after my first cycle was over and it was a disaster, I attempted to do 750mg of test and 500mg of tren but I wasn't eating sleeping right, and I was out drinking daily. Long story short, no gains and it really shut my natty test levels down hard.


25 years old
20% bf
(Will do measurements tomorrow)
