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Help please!!!!!

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by , 05-05-2011 at 02:33 AM (607 Views)
ok guys i need some real advice on this... i have been thinking about taking something for some time now and i really want to "bulk up"... i eat right, have a good diet and i work out 3-4 times a week but i just keep getting cut and i really dont get any results as far as gaining size but im really cut. my stats are: AGE: 22, HEIGHT: 6' 4", WEIGHT: 145 lbs, BODY MASS: 5%, the only thing i take is protien to help gain a lil weight but it just takes so much and yields very little results. i have a very high metabolism. my goal weight is 200 lbs so im 55 lbs away... i want something that will bulk me up and get me there quick, but also won't kill me in the process... lol i have been looking at dianabol or aka "dbol" because of the claims that it is the best bulking steroid on the market... i need all the suggestions i can get... THANKS, Dustin


  1. leewil1's Avatar
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    If you want to bulk up you need to look at your diet and training. I know this is not what you wanted to hear but at 22 you are the perfect age for building muscle. Steroids at your age is far too much of a risk. The reason i say this is because it can completley upset your bodies natural balance and yours is still developing( up to 25). Your body will shut down its natural testosterone production, and you will have to trick your body whilst on cycle or kick start it after. On most occasions this isnt a problem but if it goes wrong it can go badly wrong and either cause problems early on or later in life and it can make for a miserable existence, low sex drive, fatigue, depression and it can be journey through hell trying to get it sorted out. Like i said i know its not what you want to hear, but heres a tip, i bought an ebook a few years ago called Body Building Revealed and i still use it and its recently been updated. It is an excellent book with an excellent forum. It will teach you how to eat to build muscle to the last gram of protein, how to train and what supplements work and which are tosh, it is backed up by science and not bro science and on the forums in each section are experts who will normally within 24 hours answer your posts. If you cant grow muscle with this book at your age then you never will, because if you want to do steroids in the future ie after 25 when its safer to do so you will still need to know how to eat, train and rest, because steroids are not a short cut they are another tool in your armoury, albeit a fantastic one. I understand your desire to bulk up as i had the same problem when i was young, without sounding patronising i know you dont know how to build muscle from your post. This book will be what you need at this stage and will help you build muscle naturally or in the future with a little help from steroids. All the best, Lee