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Newbee looking for some advice.

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by , 12-14-2011 at 11:04 AM (354 Views)
Hi my name is jeramie. I am 28 almost 29 years old and am looking to bulk up! I am 5'11" and 155 lbs! I want to gain 30 plus pounds of size and mass! I am looking for advice on what to take and if I could take more then one thing to help me out. I have a very high metabolism and eat all the time. I have tried the drinks and shakes but as the result I just seem to put on very little size and just feel bloated! I work out 3 days a week and play basketball 2 times a week! Any advice for me! I have never taken any roids or anything like thy so I would like to know what to expect as some results and what side affects I may have! Thanks


  1. FukGenetics's Avatar
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    first of all whats your diet like?