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by , 11-14-2007 at 07:22 PM (861 Views)
Hey, Winter cycle coming up late Dec. Logging it, open to suggestions along the way.

Simple Cycles Sound Smart so they Say...


  1. Merc..'s Avatar
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    What kinda cycle are you thinking ? What compounds ??
  2. ecto9's Avatar
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    Hey man!! Just posted in your blog Merc. Dang I can see those comments are "stacking" up! Your gonna be one busy dude!!! But hey, your just the man for the job and you gotta giving heart for it...
  3. Igifuno's Avatar
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    stacking up in kind of like an on going never ending battle for me... i'm always looling for stuff ther next one so so not to scramble for the net time....
  4. Merc..'s Avatar
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    Thank Ecto ...

    I hope that people find my Q & A blog helpful...

    Thanks for your question in my ask merc blog.. I replied to you ....
  5. ecto9's Avatar
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    Got it. Cool. Yeah Nolva, Adex, Letro all sound good just in case neded. I figure 1st. cycle(real one anyway) 250mg to start. Allright.
    Updated 11-18-2007 at 12:05 PM by ecto9
  6. Merc..'s Avatar
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    I have seen pretty good results from people using 250- 300 mg ew for a first cycle...

    If you read the message boards over the years you will hear 500 mg is a good starting point, and it seems ( from what people are saying) that alot of people do use 500 mg of test everyweek for a first cycle...

    For instance I have used a 400 -500 mg of test and on my blood work my total test levels where like 1600 ng/ml ( almost double of where it's supposed to be at.. I have seen people's bloodwork using 250-300 mg of test per week and thier total test was over 1800 ng/dl. I am not sure what his free test levels where but they where evleavated and alot higher than mine , and I was using a higher dose..

    keep us posted on your results..
  7. ecto9's Avatar
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    Yes I've been reading about this topic on here and various other places . Just got my test levels checked and are 550 now. Thanks for sharing that with me about those reporting success on 250mg, I've been finding that as well.

    At first i was set on jumping on the bandwagon of the 500mg crowd, but as I kept researching and what not I came to settle on 250mg.

    Now see that's the first for me. The next cycle then will be a 500mg. I hope to respond on a low curve at first then move up slowly. Not in any hurry to get results fast, just wana steady path to get them. I mean 250's gonna take me past natty anyway huh?
    Updated 11-18-2007 at 08:40 AM by ecto9
  8. Merc..'s Avatar
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    Well you are at 550 ng/dl on your test level now.. For your age you are in range.( you are not taking anything now are you?).... Like you had mentioned the dose response curve ( is a factor), and like I said in my last post people respond differently to diffrent doses .. From my research when you ask someone who is using test they usually have no clue about what thier levels are .. Most people that cycle are not getting proper bloodwork done. Again this is from me asking around to get some feedback as I was interested to see how many people that use AAS acually do get blood work done..

    So what I am kinda getting at is that some people that are doing 500 -600 mg of test per wk have no clue where thier total test is, and more importantly they have no idea where thier free test is ..

    People ( again the ones i have been asking ) dont really understand dose response and mistakenly think 500 mg works the same for everyone..

    Plus like we have been discussing alot on the board lately " Estrogen " plays a important role in building mass , so its not just test you want to monitor... I think more people should have the proper blood work ran so they can know for sure where their hormones levels are.. You hear guys all day long guessing and assuming trying to figure out what their test and estrogen levels are , but in reality they dont have a clue where thier hormone levels are at without getting bloodwork done..
  9. ecto9's Avatar
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    Noted. No I'm not taking anything right now. I'm assuming the 550 test results are total test, but I have to check. Bloodwork was part of an annual physical.

    [B]As far as gettin an estrogen blood test goes, do you mean the Estradiol? I think I spelled that correctly?![/B] Next physical I'll ask the doc to include it.

    I would say it's safe to assume one blood test, on say a 500mg test cycle midway thru, would be a good reference point to know for future cycles that follow, at the least so we know the facts on estrogen and test levels during a cycle. [B]Is that what your saying? [/B]Yeah

    [B]Free test being more important you say?[/B] Bre***y explain please..
  10. Merc..'s Avatar
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    I usually get my total estrogen tested ...

    Have you seen my blood work sticky ?

    You can get a blood test around wk 5-6 to see how you are responding to the testosterone if you want to..

    We have both free and bound test . Free test is the one you should be interested in for building muscle . If you have high test levels and its all bound it is useless for building muscle..

    You see your body controls the amount of free test, this acually occurs through SHBG binding to free test ; thus making it not available to build muscle... Free test is a over looked factor by many IMO.. I have had people show me thier bloodwork and when I ask about free test levels they are like whats that ? Make sure to ask the doc to check your total and free testosterone levels ..
  11. ecto9's Avatar
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    Right, on thanx man!