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It's gonna take me a while to get the hang of this...!

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by , 11-17-2007 at 01:07 AM (911 Views)
Yeah, now do I post in the comments section or do I post in the "Post to my Blog" section? That is the question!

When I add to the Blog that's one thing, when someone comments and i comment back that's another thing!!??

I guess I'll figure it out soon enough!

So today i got out of the house all day, spending a few hrs at the school liabrary writing a report on "Fat as an energy Source".
Two page single space. It strained my brain but it was fun and I feel a sense of accomplishment.

I could prolly be a good writer if I really could sustain focus and dedication over the long long term. I tend to be negative by nature and I have to allways hit myself up with some positive self talk to get somewhere.

So after school I spent the day with a good freind (He's from Dallas). He's got a Mac with Aquisition, and I gotta love for Rock! So anyway this freind and I met few yrs ago. Lately He's been using(dope). Can I say that here!! Oops!

Yeah not my drug of choice, so I had no prob hanging with him just spending time being a freind. All his other freinds he avoids sometimes cause they can't accept his turn from being clean for so long. Hell, I can't either! But after a few times giving him a peice of my mind, I just let up and learn to be a freind.

Updated 11-18-2007 at 12:23 PM by ecto9

