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My first time on Clenbuterol

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by , 04-21-2011 at 12:39 AM (951 Views)
Hi everyone, I am looking for some advice..I am training and are looking to loose some weight, I have never been on anything, and I just purchased my first bottle of liquid Clenbuterol, I've been doing research but just wanted to see if anyone has any tips or recommendations?? I plan to start it next week 2 weeks on 2 weeks off and then again 2 weeks on and 2 weeks off... 20 mg 3 times a goal is to loose 15-20 pounds.. I am 5'3 and 139 pounds... any tips would be greatly appreciated!!!
Tags: clenbuterol


  1. brad1986's Avatar
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    Two weeks on and two weeks off is good idea. One suggestion is to slowly increase your dosage. ex day1 and 2=50mcgs
    day 3and 4=70 mcgs
    day 5 thru 11=90-100mcgs
    days 11-14= taper back down to 50mcgs per day
    Its best to pyrimid your dose up topping off at 100mcgs per day then taper back down...Hope this helps