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First Cycle Help!!

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by , 01-13-2013 at 01:02 PM (803 Views)
]hey just started my 1st cycle , monday done 1ml test eth into right glute, my friend also done same amount from same vile as he didnt have his own stuff until this wkend. i followed all sterile procedures while injecting no needle sharing etc . tuesday was slightly sore but by thursday was agony not an acute pain it was more all over. done another shot thursday into left glute pain isnt as bad but something just feels weird no redness or visable lump but deep down feels sore i have got fluxoclillin aswell to try and help . my friend was in pain for 1 day but after that was fine and took another shot with me thursday and is fine ! has any1 else had this problem ?? will i still be getting the effects of the test into my system ??
