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Need help with clen/t3 cycle

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by , 09-29-2011 at 01:02 AM (845 Views)
whats up everybody? I just had a quick question. I was planning on cutting down a bit. I was gonna run clen/t3 cycle for the first time. I am 6'3 and 250lbs with 20%bf. I was wondering if clen would be effective at 20%bf? I have heard from someone that clen wouldn't do anything because 20%bf is too high for it to work. is this true? should I go for it?? Thanks you!


  1. FukGenetics's Avatar
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  2. FukGenetics's Avatar
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  3. human project's Avatar
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    I don't think you body fat % matters when it comes to clen. I wouldent use T3 unless I was on aas tho. Whats your diet and wo schedule look like?
  4. FukGenetics's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by human project
    I don't think you body fat % matters when it comes to clen. I wouldent use T3 unless I was on aas tho. Whats your diet and wo schedule look like?
    My diet is..
    Meal 1
    1/2 cup Oats
    6 Egg Whites
    1 whole egg

    Meal 2
    4tbs peanut butter
    2 slices - whole wheat bread
    Whey Protein

    Meal 3
    6oz Chicken breast
    2 cups brown rice

    Meal 4
    Whey Protein
    1 Banana

    Meal 5
    6Oz Chicken breast
    10 Oz sweet potato or natural pasta
    1 cup broccoli
    Pre workout drink

    Meal 6
    Whey Protein and Casein protein before bed

    My workout schedule is..
    Monday- Chest/Triceps
    Tuesday- Back/Biceps
    Wednesday- Legs
    Thursday- Shoulders
    Friday- Biceps/Triceps
    Saturday & Sunday are rest days.
  5. human project's Avatar
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    Even though your cutting you still need more protein. I would shoot for atleast 375g of protein per day from food. I use protein shakes from time to time but I notice better gains with food only diets. I also feel less hungry when I'm eating more protein. Three lbs of meat and 18 egg whites should be about 400g (I wouldent worry if a few whole eggs fall in) Keep us posted on your progress. Keto is not a bad idea with clen; it's really cheap and with it you can take the clen for much longer periods of time (plus really helps me sleep)
  6. FukGenetics's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by human project
    Even though your cutting you still need more protein. I would shoot for atleast 375g of protein per day from food. I use protein shakes from time to time but I notice better gains with food only diets. I also feel less hungry when I'm eating more protein. Three lbs of meat and 18 egg whites should be about 400g (I wouldent worry if a few whole eggs fall in) Keep us posted on your progress. Keto is not a bad idea with clen; it's really cheap and with it you can take the clen for much longer periods of time (plus really helps me sleep)
    Alright thanks.
    Should the keto doses be same as clen, and do i cycle it off with clen because I was planning on taking clen 1 week on and 1 off. does keto burn muscle like t3 does?