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Testosterone Enanthate & Bolderone Undecylenate - First Cycle

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by , 05-22-2010 at 02:41 AM (631 Views)
What's up guys,
Alright so I just got my hands on some Test-E and EQ a few days ago. This is going to be my first cycle. I have tried pro-hormones twice (supremacy my senior year of HS and Finaflex/protodrol my freshman year of college), but personally did not like them too much because of the tendency to lose much of the gains immediately coming off the cycle. Through out high school I had a few pimples here and there but when I took my second cycle my back got out of control. I am currently taking 80mg/day of Accutane, I have about 5 weeks left until I am finished with the medication. I am not planning on doing this cycle for another 7 or 8 weeks because I want to let my liver have a rest after I am done. Also my blood work has been perfect every month since taking the Accutane...

A little background info:

-21 years old

- 5'8

-weight about 172 ( I usually am around 180, but due to just finishing finals and taking a lot of adderall I dropped a few lbs the last few weeks).

-not sure what my body fat % is but I would assume its around 10% or lower

-I am very active and am constantly lifting, playing basketball, football, boxing, or sprints/ plyometric exercises at the track. (A lot of sex as well)

-My diet is always pretty good. I never really eat junk food or anything unhealthy. My metabolism is also a lot better then the average person so I tend not to gain much fat even if I do eat junk food. During college my eating habits are definitely not the best but I am currently home for summer (4 months) so my diet will be pretty strict.

- Also I still have a little gyno in my left nipple from my last cycle, A friend recommended I take Letrozole until it clears up. Good idea or any other suggestions?

-On average I work out about 5 or 6 times a week. I switch it up a lot between lifting and playing sports. Typically I lift about 3-4 times a week then play basketball after for usually 2 hours. One day a week I do just cardio and then once a week I usually mix it up between sprints/plyometrics and boxing.

Let me know if I missed any other important info...

Alright so my goals are to gain about 12-15lbs of very lean muscle. I am planning on weighing 170 when I start juicing, I don't want to weight too much over 185 after my cycle because of my short height. I would look a little too bulky at anything past 190.

Heres a blueprint of what this hopefully is going to look like. (I have done a good amount of research so far, but still have more to do in the next 2 months so don't rip my a new asshole if I say something stupid.)

Proposed Cycle:

Weeks 1-12:
-400mg Test Enanthate EW (will run test one week longer then EQ so they clear at same time)
-400mg EQ EW

-Arimidex weeks 1-12 at 0.25mg EOD to keep water retention/bloating down.

Will be run wks 4-12 at 500IU EW. (day after test/eq shot)
Then for 10 days, 1 day after last shot of test at 500IU ED

1day after last shot of HCG

Day 1 300mg
Days 2-14 100mg ED
Days 15-28 50mg ED

1.) How does cycle look?
2.) How was PCT look?
3.) Do you think my mg's are ok for my goal of gaining 12-15lbs. I want to stay relatively low so I don't gain 20+
4.) Any other suggestions to keep side effects away?
