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by , 03-25-2010 at 05:16 PM (504 Views)
New here and trying to understand how to post questions. If you can read this, please reply. Thanks all!


  1. getripped12345's Avatar
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  2. getripped12345's Avatar
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    Also, any tips for the site, posting, profile etc. would be helpful.
  3. getripped12345's Avatar
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    so... I'm doing it wrong I guess???
  4. captaincarpfish's Avatar
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    Hi, can any one help. Im thinking of trying Growth Hormone, i want to strip some fat of. Iv been told that this stuff really helps, while helping with size also. Is this true ,and if so, how long and how much do i need. Big thankyou to anyone that puts me on the right path, ta, Phil.