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Tren A + Test Prop + Dbol - 8 Week Cycle

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by , 04-15-2012 at 02:35 AM (537 Views)
hey guys, first of all i like to say that ive FINALLY joined up after years of reading up and using my mates account. Glad to be on board now

So my history with my fitness has been playng sport (footy and boxing) for 4 years as well as hitting the gym but only to help me with my sports and once i stopped playing sports i concentrated on my body and getting to know it. Ive been in the gym for another 7 years doing nothing else working on my body shape and my nutrition.

Ive done 6 cycles previously and all of them have been when ive been trying to cut. Mostly due to the part that i found it easier to put on weight then i did to cut right down. My experience with nutrition has been the biggest learning curve and given me the most results by far. The first few cycles i done nothing but prop for 8 weeks, then i ran a 12 week cycle with test e and last 4 weeks i added winny's. did not like the 12 weeka at all and have done 8 week cycles since with prop and winny and have gotten the results that i was looking for. Each time ive had ai's and done a proper pct and ive never done a cycle within 3 months of the last.

Im at a stage now where im feeling great and as strong as ive been, ive been on maintenance since my last cycle which was around 9 months ago and now i want to put on size. Im looking to bulk up and continue doing my 8 week cycles. I dont mind putting on extra weight from water etc but obviously id like to be able to keep as much as i can after pct.

This is what i have in mind....

1 - 8 Test Prop 60 Ed
1 - 8 Tren A 75 Ed
1 - 5 Dbol 40 Ed

Im not exactly sure about PCT. In the past ive ran Novla Clomid with letro on hand

What do you guys think of my cycle and can i please have a good detailed response as to my PCT...
Also as i go through my cycle i will either go up or down with my Test and Tren depending on how my body responds but i think that dose is a good base to start
