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Need your advice on my Stack!

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by , 08-04-2009 at 12:03 PM (521 Views)
Hi friends!

I am a new user and am currently running my second stack.
My first stack was Deca-Durabolin 100mg/dose & Winstrol 50Mg/dose. Which on advice of my trainer i used(Injected) alternatively every five days for 10 weeks.
This was my first stack so with a combination of high carb diet and intense exercise Six times a week the results were simply mind blowing. I stacked this combo with Isolate Protien, Glutamine, Animal pump (For 30 Days) BSN Nitrix (For 30 Days), Multi's, CLA & Milk Thistle Anti-oxidant.

My stats before my first stack:
Weight: 72 Kgs
Age: 23
BF: 25%

BF: 15% with good increase in muscle mass and definition.
Weight: 75 Kgs

After this i gave my system a four week rest from injectable's while still exercising and recently on my trainer's advise started Winny tabs - 10 mg/day for first 20 Days, 20 Mg/day for 20 days and to end with 10 Mg/day for 10 Days (On exercising days obviously). I've been using this for about 25 days and am currently on 20mg phase.
I am stacking this with 100mg/day DHEA, Isolate Protien, Glutamine, Chromium, Multi & Liver Support & anti-oxidants.

My First question is that i read on a forum on this site to combine Deca & Winny stack with Clomid or Nolvadex 30 days after the last shot of Deca . I did not know about this and unfortunately did not do so. Does this make any difference or has any side effects??

My second question is that i want your opinions on the stack im running right now. Any supplements that i can add or anything special i can do with my diet etc. etc..
Any Info would be great as im new and dont really know any place else for suggestions.

Thanks in advance for your input guys!!!
