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Good cycle ?

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by , 03-06-2012 at 08:51 AM (452 Views)
On a cycle of t350 for 14wks :
Testosterone Propionate 40mg / ml
Testosterone Enanthate 80mg / ml
Testosterone Isocaproate 70mg / ml
Testosterone Acetate 30 mg/ ml
Testosterone Decanoate 70mg/ ml
Testosterone Phenylpropionate 60mg / ml

And also tren 75 ace 12wks.

Wondering if i should throw in some eq?

Height:5'10 Weight: 170lbs . Cycle exp : this is my 4th cycle .. ran sus and deca in the past. been training for 2 years . 22 years old.


  1. JPapa's Avatar
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    Some would say "less is more", bro.
    Keep it simple. I'm sure your experience with test is extensive, but as far as mixing that many, having your cake and eating it too may prove to be a headache.
    It might serve you better to find higher concentrations of suspensions and do less types. Results from what you have above could be massive, but you'd lose your mind keeping tabs on/track of your side affects.