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Hey everyone,

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by , 09-14-2011 at 05:52 PM (447 Views)
New too this site,still trying to figure out lol..

Anyway i needed some advice,
i just started clenbuterol and i really dont know what i should be doing as far as changing my workouts and diets? anyone help! lol kk thanks


  1. Ozziesash's Avatar
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    Hey Barbie,

    Before taking Clen I would advise you to read up on the side effects. Most noticeably the excessive tremors and sweating. As you increase the doseage the steroid attacks the sympathetic nervous system - this means hands would shake and muscular tremors (a sign of the more serious side effect which is nervousness). You may also experience muscular cramps. Clen targets smooth muscles such as the cardiovascular muscles, in turn may cause palpitations and possible cardiac hypertrophy and heart muscle necrosis.

    Clen is a weight loss drug and can be addictive. Over-dosage may also give you heart problems!!What are you wanting to do???:-)
  2. HardcoreBarbie's Avatar
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    thank you for the info, i did read up on it and i want to see how it effects me i started week 1 with half a pill,
    i am trying too lose weight though so i wanted to more about it like if i have to change my workout and what i should be eating?