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1st Time Cycle (Test/Tren/Winny) - NEED ADVICE PLEASE!!!

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by , 02-12-2012 at 07:37 PM (309 Views)
1st Time Cycle (Test/Tren/Winny) - NEED ADVICE PLEASE!!!

Hey guys,

I am currently taking my 1st ever cycle and have a few questions about it all and can definitely use the advice as I am new to this stuff. I did a lot of research before starting, but still could use some good veteran advice on different subject areas. I am 23 years old, 5'7, 170 pounds, and about 17% body fat (semi-athletic build – I’ve played hockey my whole life). My main goal is not to get super big, but more to trim down my body fat to 10% or less (nice 6-pack and cut muscles) while still gaining a bit more of muscle mass (ideally end around 175 lbs, with 10% or less body fat and 6-pack abs). For the past 5 months I have been going to the gym about 3-4 times a week, mainly doing weight lifting. Since starting my cycles (currently in Week 4), I now go 6-7 times a week (4 days weight lifting, 2-3 days cardio). Originally I bought Winny from my guy, but after 2 weeks he recommended I use test/tren as well to get bigger, better, and faster results. The actual stuff I’m taking is “Stanozolol 100 (100 mg/ml)”, “Testosterone Enanthate 250 (250 mg/ml)”, and “Trenbolone Acetate 100 (100 mg/ml)”. I eat very healthy - mainly lean meat, vegetables, and protein shakes. I also take a few vitamins in the morning as well (multi vitamin, ginger root pill, & fish oil). Here is my daily eating schedule:

8:00 am - Protein shake at home
12:00pm - Lunch
3:30pm - Protein shake at work
5:30pm - Pre-workout drink
7:00pm - Post workout protein shake
8:00pm - Light dinner with meat and vegetables

For my injections, I use a 23 gauge syringe, which is 1.5 inches long. On Sundays I take it in my left butt cheek, and Wednesdays I take it in my right butt cheek. My injection cycle is as follows:

Week 1 & 2
Sundays: 1cc Winny
Wednesdays: 1cc Winny

Week 3-10
Sundays: 1cc Test & 1cc Tren
Wednesdays: 1cc Winny

Week 11-12
Sundays: 1cc Test & 1cc Tren

My questions are does this cycle sound good/safe for me? When will I see results? What should my end results be? Should I alter my diet? What should my protein/carb/calories etc. intake be? Should I take any additional vitamins? Should I alter my workout routine (heavy weights with little reps vs. lighter weights with more reps)? Do I need any anti-estrogen pills? If so, what should I take and when should I take it? What are some side-effects I might start seeing? Is it bad if sometimes a little bit of blood comes out when I take the syringe out? Anything else you guys could recommend? This is my first post on the site, I tried to add any and all pertinent information in this post, but please let me know if you guys need any other information. I appreciate the advice BIG time!!!
