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by , 02-26-2014 at 03:10 PM (614 Views)
Routine 2

Chest push-ups with 40lb vest, using pushup bars.

1. Standard 20 reps
2. Standard 20 reps
3. Military 20 reps
4. Military 20 reps
5. Wide 20 reps
6. Wide 20 reps
7. Wide 20 reps
8. Dive bombers max set around 10 usually
9. Dive bombers max set repeat
10. Standard slow 4 seconds down, 4 seconds up, max set
11. Remove vest 100 reps however many sets needed to reach 100

12. Biceps concentration curls one arm at a time x3 sets, after last set drop sets to failure
13. Triceps dumbbell lying down skull crushers x3 sets, after last set drop sets to failure

14. Shoulder dumbbell raises both arms together, leaning over for rear, then lateral, then front raises x2 sets, after 2nd set I do only lateral and front raises drop sets to failure
