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Help please?

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by , 09-14-2010 at 02:46 PM (583 Views)
Hey everybody im new being a member but i have been having some dificulties recently. I have been getting stronger and thicker on my back sholdurs and chest...everything besides my arms they got a bit bigger but mainly tighter and more defined and nothing sems to help that.

Im 6ft 3in and 180 and I am suposed to be around 6ft 5-6in and my current bf% is mid 13
I am doing a cycle within two weeks and im natural for now i took creatine but it didnt do S***. I dont want to bulk to much i want more of a jacked cut apperance and im looking at test injections but idk what/or if i should stack anything with it. Please give me ideas i want to gain a good amount of lean muscle at least 15lbs

