In the last two months, I have been experiencing a shooting pain in my forearm, or more specifically, the brachio-radialis muscle, a group located in the outer region of the forearm directly beneath the brachialis. It started off as a shooting pain only when I did heavy lat pulldowns, but then progressed to occurring every time I did any form of curls, especially barbell and hammers. Of course, like any athlete with a profound faith in his invincibility, I pushed through the pain confident in the ...
Updated 06-10-2008 at 03:54 AM by InsaneInTheMembrane
MIND THAT MUSCLE! The Mind Muscle Connection: We've heard that term a thousand times - about how it is crucial to achieve that state of mind during training so as to attain maximal workout intensity and muscle growth. Heck, I even remember how Bill Phillips (Yeah yeah, that guy behind the controversial Body-For-Life competition) got the market clearing out all the health store shelves of St. John's Worts because of its "touted" abilities to enhance the mind-muscle connection... ...
Updated 03-25-2008 at 03:30 AM by InsaneInTheMembrane
So I got really bored (or inspired ) yesterday and decided to chart out my blood glucose response before and after my PWO shake, which consisted of 60g dextrose and 60g whey. Besides, it's a healthy thing to do considering I am taking hGH ( 5 ius) and wanted to make sure that insulin resistance was not becoming a problem for me. Of course, I don't consume any carbohydrates at least 60 minutes before and after my hGH shots. The first shot is in the AM upon waking up (2.5 ius) and the second ...
Updated 02-01-2008 at 02:25 AM by InsaneInTheMembrane
I PHONE, U PHONE, LET'S ALL PHONE WITH iPHONE Every now and then, the adolescent gadget geek in me surfaces in all his glory (drooling and all) when I chance across a new tech toy. And that's exactly what happened when I bought myself the much coveted, mass marketed, soon-to-be-ubiquitous iPhone. The romance didn't start off that way though. As a gadget aficionado, you have your predilections towards certain brands; this is the same way you always fall for a ...
Updated 12-03-2007 at 12:00 AM by InsaneInTheMembrane
LOST IN LIMBO: DEALING WITH POST PCT BLUES Most of the time, those of us who are nearing the end of a cycle shudder at the very thought of post-cycle therapy (PCT) looming over the horizon. The mood swings; the loss of strength; the erosion of muscle mass; the unpredictability of the libido; and the dreaded return of the flab; all these symptoms that are associated with PCT makes us anxious at the very thought of it. However, with a well planned PCT regimen and diet readjustment, ...
Updated 11-27-2007 at 12:05 AM by InsaneInTheMembrane