Stuff about my life in general...
I PHONE, U PHONE, LET'S ALL PHONE WITH iPHONE Every now and then, the adolescent gadget geek in me surfaces in all his glory (drooling and all) when I chance across a new tech toy. And that's exactly what happened when I bought myself the much coveted, mass marketed, soon-to-be-ubiquitous iPhone. The romance didn't start off that way though. As a gadget aficionado, you have your predilections towards certain brands; this is the same way you always fall for a ...
Updated 12-03-2007 at 12:00 AM by InsaneInTheMembrane
LOST IN LIMBO: DEALING WITH POST PCT BLUES Most of the time, those of us who are nearing the end of a cycle shudder at the very thought of post-cycle therapy (PCT) looming over the horizon. The mood swings; the loss of strength; the erosion of muscle mass; the unpredictability of the libido; and the dreaded return of the flab; all these symptoms that are associated with PCT makes us anxious at the very thought of it. However, with a well planned PCT regimen and diet readjustment, ...
Updated 11-27-2007 at 12:05 AM by InsaneInTheMembrane