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Workout Woes and Worries

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  1. To Be Or Knot To Be? That Is The Tendon

    by , 06-10-2008 at 03:48 AM (Insane In The Membrane: Anything And Everything's Fair Game)
    In the last two months, I have been experiencing a shooting pain in my forearm, or more specifically, the brachio-radialis muscle, a group located in the outer region of the forearm directly beneath the brachialis. It started off as a shooting pain only when I did heavy lat pulldowns, but then progressed to occurring every time I did any form of curls, especially barbell and hammers. Of course, like any athlete with a profound faith in his invincibility, I pushed through the pain confident in the ...

    Updated 06-10-2008 at 03:54 AM by InsaneInTheMembrane

    Workout Woes and Worries
  2. Mind That Muscle!

    by , 03-25-2008 at 02:44 AM (Insane In The Membrane: Anything And Everything's Fair Game)

    The Mind Muscle Connection: We've heard that term a thousand times - about how it is crucial to achieve that state of mind during training so as to attain maximal workout intensity and muscle growth. Heck, I even remember how Bill Phillips (Yeah yeah, that guy behind the controversial Body-For-Life competition) got the market clearing out all the health store shelves of St. John's Worts because of its "touted" abilities to enhance the mind-muscle connection... ...

    Updated 03-25-2008 at 03:30 AM by InsaneInTheMembrane

    Workout Woes and Worries