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interested in doing a few cycles but have never done it before...yes i am newbie.

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by , 12-03-2011 at 11:05 PM (313 Views)
ok all you seasoned veteran on the body building game. A newbie in the house is interested in not being the biggest guy in the gym, just the sexiest, meaning i want to get the best results for all the work in put in. Im 6"1', 215 and have been working out for years. I have tried most of the things GNC sales which some result but no where close to what i feel is jaw dropping. Any way, i interested in a moderate cycle to lean me up, I'm between 14-18 percent bf, but also gain more muscle tone. Any info would be helpful. Please, if you have been letting for less than 5 years and not experienced, than you might not be the or woman i need to be taking advice from.
