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Need a little Help please

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by , 05-12-2013 at 04:11 AM (1404 Views)
PURE PHARMACEUTICALS DBOL...Gentech DIANABOL?? these any good?? i can get an ass load of these for real cheap and it seems to good to be true..but this guy there coming from has a good reputation for his other productsblogs/jack3d4me/attachments/138567-need-little-help-please-dbol-001.jpgblogs/jack3d4me/attachments/138568-need-little-help-please-dbol-002.jpg


  1. crashfirepm53's Avatar
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    If ya got an assload of them what are you charging for a bottle?
  2. Jack3d4me's Avatar
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    Didn't take them from the guy yet but he only wants like 25 for a bottle if I they take em all...hes got like 70 -90 bottles
  3. Jack3d4me's Avatar
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    Not that I'm really that interested in having that much gear on hand..Jesus lol..i just want to know if its any good so i can get a good deal on what i'd use for myself