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1st Anavar cycle

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by , 10-24-2012 at 07:45 PM (421 Views)
HI Guys I've just recently started my first cycle of AAS. I know anavar is not the ideal cycle especially for a newbie, but im jsut a puss and didnt wanna jump into anything too harmful for my body. Ive been working out for a little over a year now. i was 145lbs and now im at 170lb. still really lean for my size. im 17 yrs old and 6'2", yes im a skeletor so i know anavar was a dumb decision, but i am wondering if ill still bulk a little if i cram down like 4500 cals a day i aim for. i do splits, im in the gym 5 days a week lifting, 3 days a week i jog 5-10 km. Im on day 7 and i really notice an spike in energy levels, not so much strength yet, but my pumps are like insane and they stay for pretty much all day rather than just dying down after an hour or so. I am taking 60 mg a day, i take 2 at 8am, 2 around noon, and 2 around dinner. im wondering if i should drop the dosage to 40 mg as i am having trouble sleeping and im thinkin i shouldnt take the third dose so late. just a little feedback and advice would be great haha i could go on forever with the questions..


  1. 454bigblock's Avatar
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    Way too young for anabolics bro. Hold off for a few years
  2. Wes201's Avatar
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    Anavar is NOT a bulker, pepople who use it mainly use it for shredding....You are not cycling correctly, as running anavar w/o a base is dangerous. you taking a huge chance that you may f**k your body up for life....You are only a minor so i cannot give you advice on dosages or stacks and nobody else is either....If you just continue uping your calories and working out (but dont forget to rest) you will eventually get where you want to go. At 17, believe me, you already have all the testosterone you need already in your system naturally.
  3. jakeaintabunt's Avatar
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    i thought anavar was totally safe alone? im throwing in some tbol around 2 weeks in
  4. jakeaintabunt's Avatar
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    and how could i be cycling wrong if the results say otherwise? im only 2 weeks in, and i know this is mostly due to my heavy carb high protein deit but ive gained 8 lbs so far.. and not sloppy mass shredded im cut like rambo 7% bf