USP TREN and USP Suspension Test Prop Questions, second cycle
, 04-18-2011 at 11:33 PM (673 Views)
Hey guys, I just finished a test cyp cycle of 500/week for 12 weeks. It was my first cycle, it ended 4 weeks ago. Just off Adex and clomid now and did really well with hcg for the last 3 weeks. I went from 174, 20% bf to 200, 11% bf. I have now dropped down considerably in weight to 185 still at 11%bf, I have gain loads in strength but I am not hugely happy with the weight loss as I was hoping to be around 195 205 all said and done. Im still pounding the protein and eating 3000 cal per day but I am certainly missing the Test spike, my sex drive could be better. I had labs done last week and still waiting to hear back from the md. Also I am 38, have over 10 years training clean and stand 5'8.
My question is I have a good friend w gear from USP, he has Trenbolone A 100mg/ml and USP ProSuspension where 1ml has 50mg Test prop and 50mg suspension per the labels. I am wondering what dose is commonly used as the has instructed me to do one ml of each E3D, while all the reading I have done says 35-50 mg per day on the tren is common??? Not vary familiar with the prosuspension injection. I also have var on hand 5mg.
I have also read that one month off is sufficient to start a second cycle but I am questioning this as well.
Any advice??