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juice box

Diet tips for bulking cycle

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by , 09-09-2011 at 10:54 AM (897 Views)
Am new to the the group been reading alot of your posts and think alot of you guys have your diet dailed in better then me any help would be great . I have been working out on and off with and with out gear for 10 years am 36 6 feet tall 222 pounds .. I really havnt had a body fat test done. am thinking am like 12 to 14 just a guess .. I do hit protein shakes and try to eat health not eating fast food or anything . Questions I have is how many carbs should I be taking in ? How many meals can be shakes ? When are you eating every 2 to 3 hours 6 times a day ? Do you take a shake before bed . I have a friend that wakes up at night to take a shake how many of you guys do that ? I have done the chicken breat and lean steaks for meals . If anyone would help me here would be great I no for sure am not eatting enough. am just looking for some ideas from you guys . Do you think it is ok to to smash down 3 to 4 heavy wieght gainer shakes to get my carbs up . Am 1 week out from going back on the gear really want to have diet dailed in thanks for any help you give me,,,,,,,


  1. Tyger's Avatar
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    Definitely take a shake before bed. Your body, being as active as it is, will continue to digest and metabolize while you're sleeping. Give it something to feed on during those hours. I noticed a difference when I started doing this. I also felt way better, and hungrier the next morning.
    Updated 09-11-2011 at 04:39 AM by Tyger
  2. juice box's Avatar
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    thanks Tyger will start tonight . Am making a bulking diet right now when am done with it I will post it maybe you can tell me what you think . Thanks......
  3. Tyger's Avatar
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    For sure.