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Casting Juiceheads for new Reality TV Show!!!

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by , 04-30-2012 at 05:44 PM (276 Views)

My name is Justin Pease and I am a Casting Associate based out of Los Angeles. I work with the Development department for new show ideas and we are interested in talking to some guys who are serious about bodybuilding.

Being that this is for TV obviously we are looking for some good "characters". Personalities that are over the top and stand out. Guys that are crazy about their body. "Juiceheads" if you will...

We came across this site and thought it would be a great way to reach out to some of these people. Even if you don't think this is right for you I would love to hear any personal suggestions or recommendations so don't hesitate to e-mail me or spread the word to others.

I really appreciate your time and consideration. Hope to hear back from you soon,

Justin Pease
Casting Associate
Cheri Sundae Productions
Fax: 818.333.5480
Direct: 818.333.8156
[email protected]
