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I want to take Test 400, but need some help.

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by , 02-05-2012 at 04:17 AM (548 Views)
I'm 21 years old, and I've never done this type of stuff. I do regular workouts 5 days a week. With 30 minutes of cardio 3 times a week. I take a pre-workout before my lifts. I also take a multi-vitamin and a thermo-ignitor every morning. Along with 3 protein shakes throughout my day. A friend recently told me about Test 400, and I want to take it.

I want to know where to get it(injection type please). How to take it. How much to take. Anything I should know.
Thank you.


  1. GZA's Avatar
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    they have it at walmart, in the blue bottle, all the instructions are on the bottle
  2. GZA's Avatar
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    go research for about 4 years on this forum on the proper way to diet/train and the use of AS. Then you'll be about 25 and actually be old enough to do it without ruining your natural body's development and then you'll have all the knowledge it takes to do this stuff responsibly. I didn't even make my first post until I spent some years here reading and learning all the info is there but it will take hours of reading and a complete lifestyle change to be ready for what you're talking about.