URGENT I need help with my pre contest cycle
, 04-10-2011 at 01:58 PM (880 Views)
hi everyone i need some advice bout my contest cycle, ive done various small cycles over the years but never for a competition, ive competed once before but it was all natural an now im looking at doing another one on the gear. Im bout 20 weeks out and my last cycle with test enanthate, dbol boldenone and prop was about 10 weeks ago an was wondering if i should do a bulk cycle for about 8 weeks or so then switch to a cutting cycle for the remainder as i want to come in thick cause i find it hard to get that thick dense muscle, as ive always had that long lean look or should i jus wait and do a 12 week cycle? Im 185cm tall and currently sitting on 195pounds with bout 8-9% body fat what do you guys think i would benefit more from and get bigger on? a longer cycle or would i jus stop growing and getting thicker once i switch? also how would i bridge these two to make it work? is my body more likey to respond less to the cutting cycle after the switch if i run aas for that long? as my receptors will be more fresh only 12 weeks out would i see better results and still come out thick on the gear assuming my diet is up to scratch an all so should i wait i mean 20 weeks is a longtime right? that is my main concern any input will be great thanks guys