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A little backstory...

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by , 05-16-2017 at 10:33 AM (596 Views)
I wasn't sure where to post so I'm just going to try to update my blog section with my workouts and my experiences with the things I'm on, etc but thought I'd start with my backstory...

I wasn't raised in an active family. The majority of my family is overweight (and have type 2 diabetes). My mom was a big fan of fast food so we would sneak fast food alllll the time. It didn't really affect me much besides teaching me unhealthy eating habits. I was under 100lbs until High School and throughout High School my weight was 105-108lbs. Around age 19 I started drinking and partying and then my weight went up to 118lbs. I always wanted to be fit and lean but I didn't do much besides wish and think about wanting a nice body lol I thought skipping meals and throwing up my food when I would binge eat was effective enough. Yikes. Anyways, years later, my weight went up again to 130lbs. At 5'2" with very little muscle, I was chubby. I would diet from time to time and workout on the treadmill at my apartment complex and my weight would fluctuate from 118-130lbs. Then, I started dating someone and stopped working out. My normal weight went up to 140lbs. I told myself I was "fat and happy" but I wasn't really happy. 7 months into the relationship I was pregnant putting My weight went up to almost 200lbs. I lost almost 30lbs right away after the birth of my daughter but since I was still very much a junk food junkie, I stayed around 170lbs for awhile. I was very depressed off and on throughput my life because of the abuse that I endured when I was a small child and throughout middle school and high school and eating was like my coping method (besides being a bawl baby lol). After being sick and tried of being fat haha I decided to try an at home program. I lost 30lbs in 12 weeks following the workout plan and counting calories!!! I became OBSESSED!! The next program I tried was a strength training program and that is what sparked my linterest for building muscle. Shortly after losing the 30lbs, my baby daddy and I split. I was a SAHM for 2 years so it was rough not being able to do that anymore... Anyways, my workouts suffered since I no longer had the space to workout. I decided to buy a gym membership and tried to use my workout templates from my strength training program at the gym but it wasn't the same. I started focusing on cardio and ran 5-6 miles 6-7 days a week. I got down to 130lbs but still didn't have much muscle definition since I wasn't doing any strength training. I began dating someone who was big into bodybuilding and I started working out with him. He taught me sooo much. I use a lot of what I learned from him today so the relationship wasn't a total loss when it ended hahahahaha now, since I know how to use most of the things at the gym and am not scared to try new things, I just lift. My current routine is a 3 day full body split. Sometimes I rest between the split and other times I do it back to back. My weight hasn't changed much but my body most certainly has. The more muscle I see and the heavier I can lift makes me so happy. It's crazy to me how obsessed I am hahahah but it's who I am now and who I want to be...
