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  1. Cass Martin

    by , 05-16-2017 at 10:53 AM
    I rededicated myself to my fitness goals October 2016 after being in a deep depression. I just decided to go back to something I knew made me happy which was the gym. It wasn't until a few months ago that I really had a fire lit inside of me and that is when I saw Cassandra Martin <3 her physique is just so incredible to me. Don't get me wrong, I was super passionate and motivated before seeing her but seeing her did something I hadn't experienced before. Seeing her gave me a picture of what ...
  2. A little backstory...

    by , 05-16-2017 at 10:33 AM
    I wasn't sure where to post so I'm just going to try to update my blog section with my workouts and my experiences with the things I'm on, etc but thought I'd start with my backstory...

    I wasn't raised in an active family. The majority of my family is overweight (and have type 2 diabetes). My mom was a big fan of fast food so we would sneak fast food alllll the time. It didn't really affect me much besides teaching me unhealthy eating habits. I was under 100lbs until High School and ...