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my second cycle start from 8/11 to 17/1/2011 (10weeks cycle)

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by , 11-18-2010 at 10:49 PM (934 Views)
Age: 27
Height: 165cm
Weight: 140Ibs
BF%: 13%
Cycle Exp: 1 test C cycle
Training Exp: 6years
Ethnicity: Asian

it's my second cycle

Test-P 75mg ed (1-10 week)
Tren-A 50mg ed (3-10 week)
HGH 5ius split into 2 dose early morning and after workout
GHRP-6 250mcg before bed ( mix with 200mcg B12)
Liquidex 0.5 ed
PCT Clomid 100/50/50/50

and i run some other supplement that
Multi-pro 32X 2tabs daily
Salmon fish Oil
Milk Thistle
Saw plametto
