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First Cycle - Feedback greatly appreciated !

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by , 09-19-2012 at 10:40 AM (335 Views)
hey guys i am a newbie to the site and steroid world. looking for advice and critique on this cycle i have put together.

height: 6'2
weight: 207 pounds
experience in weight training: 3 going on 4 years
body fat %: 16%

i am 19 and turning 20 in a couple of months and am looking to do a test enanthate cycle at 500 mg a week

was thinking of doing it something like this...

weeks 1 - 12:
500mg a week (2 x 250mg injection sunday and thursday)
keeping arimidex on hand as i understand gyno could pose a problem at this percentage of bodyfat.

weeks 1/2/3/4
Nolvadex: 40/40/20/20
DAA: 3g ED
PES Erase introduce in 3rd week and run for 4 weeks to ensure any estrogen rebound is covered

swifto made a comment in one thread were he said vitamin c should be mandatory in all PCT's. why so ?

if someone with experience could give me some feedback on how they think ive planned this course out i would be very greatful thanks !
Tags: first cycle
